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Lamp height from ta...

Lamp height from table top?  


Trusted Member
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Posts: 41
24/08/2009 7:05 pm  

Just moved into our new home and forgot to do one thing before we left the old one - jot down the measurement of our ph5 fixture from the table top to the bottom of the light. I couldn't find the thread where I has asked the question the first time. I had the lamp pretty low and liked it! The electrician is coming in the next few days and I want it done right the first time! Your help is greatly appreciated! Thanks, ~ L

Estimable Member
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Posts: 87
24/08/2009 9:56 pm  

my 2 cents
For what it is worth my lamp is 20 inches or 50 centimeters above a glass table top.
I can see my companions beneath the fixture and it is within my visual field as well.
I was not aware that there was a recommended height.

Illustrious Member
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25/08/2009 2:53 am  

30 inches above the tabletop, plus or minus...
If you have an 8-foot ceiling, placing the bottom of your lamp 30 inches above the tabletop -- plus or minus a couple inches -- will probably look really good. It's high enough to get the lamp out of everyone's line of sight and out of the way of the things you'll put on the table, but low enough to be admired. Plus it puts the center of the lamp around midway between the tabletop and the ceiling, which looks nice.
If your ceiling is higher than 8 feet, you could hang the lamp a LITTLE higher -- maybe 33-34 inches for a 9-foot ceiling or 36-38 for a 10-foot -- but I wouldn't go any higher than that with a PH5.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
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25/08/2009 4:41 am  

I think Fastfwd has it correct, except for one small point
or a large one, depending on your viewing angle. Very tall people may need as much as 36". Since my whole family is composed of very tall people, I tend to worry about providing ample space for the large. But if you don't regularly dine with folks 6'2" and above then no worries!
I arrived at this knowledge both a priori and by using the 'golden mean'. DaVinci was amazing; his vitruvian man is a useful design tool even over over 500 years later.


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