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Lamp Shade Suggesti...

Lamp Shade Suggestion  


Lisa E
Honorable Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 121
15/09/2010 12:02 am  

I need a shade for my lamp but can't find one that looks right in proportion...any suggestions

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15/09/2010 2:18 am  

Shade for higher
What's the total height from the base to where the shade will eventually rest?
With this info I can lend my best suggestion.

Lisa E
Honorable Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 121
15/09/2010 2:38 am  

approx. 28", i prefer...
approx. 28", i prefer something of the same period, i have been looking for over a year now as it sits in storage. It's harder than finding the right shoes for a dress! The thing that conflicts me the most is what shape will go best on this lamp, thanks for any ideas

Illustrious Member
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15/09/2010 2:40 am  

Long thin cylinder, I think.
Long thin cylinder, I think.

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15/09/2010 2:53 am  

shade for higher
Perhaps a long cylinder might cover too much of the lamp's neck?.
I feel a horizontally wide shade with a 2 inch difference from top to bottom.
This will modernize the look of the lamp, bring it up to date.

Illustrious Member
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15/09/2010 2:58 am  

I agree- look at the harp-
It's not too long,but a shade should just cover the top of the base,yet not far down.I feel a wide,short(approx8-9") shade,in that 60's-70's natural hopsack cloth would look most attractive.

Lisa E
Honorable Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 121
15/09/2010 3:03 am  

i did try a cylinder shape...
i did try a cylinder shape and it did cover too much and a wider one but it looked too top heavy, i guess either would work in the right size, i may try having one custom made

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15/09/2010 3:18 am  

God is in the detail
The right proportion is the key.
I'd go with the horizontal shade.
Follow the link to retro modern in NYC, these guys understand shades.


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