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Noble Member
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30/10/2007 1:37 am  

You want's controversial
Okay...I'm in love with Whitespikes GF and I want to brush her hair gently while she sits on my Eames Lounge Chair Ottoman watching CSI Miami.

James Collins
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30/10/2007 1:44 am  

At least in household furniture a lot of the high end modern stuff from the 60's/70's seems to still rely on forms and functions from the 30's 40's 50's; but it seems to want to differentiate itself with very superficial aesthetic variations but no real challenge to the fundamental definitions of how people interact with furniture. Every bedroom still had a 6 or 8 drawer Mr. & Mrs dresser with a big mirror. They were onl;y challenging how things looked but not how they worked.


James Collins
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30/10/2007 1:45 am  

Restraining Order
Just something to think about ...

Illustrious Member
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30/10/2007 3:13 am  

you just had to be there...
White spike you just had to be there the first time to really appreciate it, like I was , he truly is Iconic and the best of the best
for someone who did not live through that decade it might be somewhat hard to understand

Illustrious Member
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30/10/2007 8:20 am  

Stephen, perhaps you are...
Stephen, perhaps you are playing the fool to lighten the forum a little, but you are not exhibiting much in the way of wit or knowledge.
The forum may have been a little dull for a while but I'd rather dull over this sort of contrived controversy, There are smart, knowlegable and talented people here, please don't lower the tone to the point where people won't participate.

Noble Member
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30/10/2007 10:39 am  

HP - I'm sorry
HP I'm sorry I have offended your middle class sensibilities. Just out of interest; are you from England or America's East Coast? I'm betting one or the other.
I agree, I'd much rather have yet another debate about whether the Barcelona Chair is the most uncomfortable ever designed, or whether that eames lounge chair and ottoman is better in Palisander or rosewood. Oh, and that old chestnut about the plastic Vitra versions of the Eames rocker...ho hum.

Illustrious Member
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30/10/2007 3:43 pm  

believe it or not,
I un...
believe it or not,
I understand were Stephen is coming from a little humor never hurt anyone especially on this forum,
I think it is enough about the construction of chairs every one who has been reading this forum is now a expert on them if they are not they have not be
en paying attention,
Stephen can't help it if he sees a beautiful woman a half a world away, that he dreams about in a foreign land, as a young man, on a search for the perfect woman,
Texas does have some beautiful girls but so does other cities all over the USA
I am sure right down your street, there is real beauty you just have not met her yet, but you will.

Illustrious Member
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30/10/2007 3:50 pm  

In the other scheme of things.....
I am MUCH more offended by programs like "Dancing With The Stars" or "American Idol", and a lot of the C&W that's so popular (merely a rip-off of 1970's Hippy Country Rock performed by idiots in silly hats with boots that are much too tight) than anything Panton ever designed.
How about a bit of prospective.....

Illustrious Member
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30/10/2007 7:27 pm  

I'm SO sick and tired of...
I'm SO sick and tired of hearing about this and that regarding Eames' lounge chair. AND the Barcelona chair.
Stephen, I don't mind your romantic comments about Whitespike's GF. Come on, as a man it's nice to hear when other guys envy what you've got. Though you can't always get what you want, you surely can dream about it. I see a lot of American ladies on TV that I wish was Danish and lived in my appartment building 🙂
Like him or not, Verner Panton was a genius, end of story.

azurechicken (USA)
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30/10/2007 8:05 pm  

the swivel chairs that have sickened the experts...oops...thats,stumped...

Illustrious Member
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30/10/2007 8:19 pm  

I know
Verner Panton is a genius. I am happy to report that I am not a complete idiot! I know genius when I see it, whether it's my tea or not! I just wanted to stor it up a little.
There are several panton designs I like a lot. I just don't like some of his busy interiors. His FUN lighting is one of my favorites.
Has anyone seen the rennovated church with Panton chairs? The chairs have crosses stamped out of the back. Lovely.
I like the second photo and it's use of Panton designs. I don't know a lot about him, but was this interior designed by him or does it just employ his work? Seems I have seen what appears to be later (70s?) Panton interiors that have a more neutral room palette with his furniture ... which I much prefer.
The bottom example I just plain hate. Sorry!

azurechicken (USA)
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31/10/2007 6:58 am  

The last photo is a total Panton interior,the other two are not...Panton has much in common with victorian,the over all effect.Panton seems to be an anomaly ,little in common with other designers in Scandanavia...?

Illustrious Member
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31/10/2007 8:41 pm  

The last photo is a showroom ...
The last photo is a showroom Panton did for Plus-Linje and the Pfister Furnishing Company in Zurich (1960). Of course here he throws in all that it can take, because such a showroom is used to create a lot of attention whether people like it or not. However also in the year of 1960 Panton used the same furniture and Op Art textiles in the Astoria restaurant in Tronheim, Norway. I couldn't find a nice picture on the net but here the light setting and colour/shape combination was very balanced and the atmosphere very gloomy and relaxed.

Illustrious Member
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31/10/2007 11:43 pm turn...
Verner Panton interiors also make me nauseus. (Whitespike I agree with you so often it's like we are design-twins) I'm convinced it's the patern on pattern on pattern thing Victorian stuff has the same effect on me....I want to go stand in the middle ofa big field and just lookat tthe sky and breathe.
Stephen, While whitespike's girlfriend is indeed a pretty woman with lovely bone's not like she's the only one other in the world and she's spoken for. please go download ssome nice swedish porn movies and getthe whole thing out of your system. And by the way I am an East-Coast American and not the least bit priggish or uptight thank you very much
HP, relax, it's like raising children...a phase, harles and fleeting
LRF...fancy cars and verner panton...Hmmmm, nope can't go there with you...
Here's a new controversial thing to toss about...can Moderism and Sustainability coexist? Does it have to be ugly to be good for the planet? Is beauty in design an antihesis of beauty in the environment?

Illustrious Member
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01/11/2007 9:12 pm  

Nice to know I'm not the only one! I would prefer a domestic interior to be more of a comfortable and beautiful sanctuary than some twisted statement that keeps you up at night. I could never rest in such aesthetic chaos!

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