Design Addict


LRF's house or your...

LRF's house or yours  


Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 472
07/08/2007 1:08 pm  

From a few pictures you showed us of you house and collection, I'd be interested in seeing more. This goes for anyone else who has pictures, post them or add a link.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2967
07/08/2007 9:11 pm  

I have a few pictures from the magazine that my house was in last month at my website they are the interior pictures , Like a museum by house seems to change every 3 months cause i do have lots of furniture that i have collected over 15 years and bring it out of our warehouse and shift it around thanks so much for inquiring.

Illustrious Member
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Posts: 2967
07/08/2007 9:35 pm  

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2967
07/08/2007 9:38 pm  

the top picture is done ...
the top picture is done my wife Terasa Fadem a well known artist around these parts she does Jewelry Knit wear and Large Paintings. Her Jewlery and Knitwear are sold all over
To say the least I am very proud of her she picked out all the colors in our home. I got the honors of buying the furniture That is my hobby
the other picture is the Entry Hall

Illustrious Member
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07/08/2007 9:51 pm  

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2967
07/08/2007 9:58 pm  

garden diva
several people have emailed me and ask who did the metal sculptures Her name is Lisa Regan
She is one of the greatest people and artist she can make any thing in metal she takes that leaser torch out and whips out the coolest stuff you have ever seen look on my website that is one of the coolest things she says she has ever done in metal ,

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2358
07/08/2007 10:55 pm  

I wish filmmakers would hire both of you to do their interiors. Color in movies is done so simplistically, or ignored entirely by reducing it to sepia tones to signal nostalgia. Your wife's eye for color would leap off of a screen, especially the big screen. The highest compliment I can pay is that just a peak at your pics makes me rethink what I thought possible with color in modern forms.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2967
08/08/2007 12:58 am  

dc wilson
Thanks so much for the kind words .. I appreciate it and my wife does also...
My wife and I got married 5 years ago both for the 2nd time she worked for the Airlines for 12 years and felt like she was kept in a box and could not express her creative design,
I had sold 50% of our oil and gas company to a major corporation and was flushed with cash to do projects that I really wanted to do, on our honeymoon trip to Italy , We went to the Ponti Vica in Florance and saw all kinds of Jewelry at these famous jewelry stores . my wife said
i could do that desigin jewelry if i had the oppertunity, and on returning home with in a month we hired a man to carve and make our jewelry and we were in business, We did great and still do, with the exception gold has gone up so much, my wife also started a Knit wear line that has just gone wild with wool from all over the world and Yes in lots of Colors,and un real designs .
The reason i write this we were on the home tour last month and had over a 200 people come through the doors , They all went nuts to see raspberry in the foyer, a orange mural wall in the living room
and citrus, in the dinning room, and light purple in the kitchen,
Most people if we told them that is what we used would think we were nuts, but It just all works when you see it. and the best part of the whole thing both my wife and myself were in complete simpatico on every thing , she said you buy every piece of modern furniture that you want and i will pick the colors to go with it , A real test of two people to see what they really like, and no hurt feelings on either persons part a real winner for me.
and what you would call a real labor of love being able to restore a authentic mid-century modern home the way it should be to honor the great designers of that time,
I love it,


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