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Knoll chairs and 2 ...

Knoll chairs and 2 seater?  


Illustrious Member
Joined: 9 years ago
Posts: 539
29/06/2015 10:47 pm  

Any ideas on these? The lines make me think 60's possibly knoll design? Any advice appreciated!
<img class="wpforo-default-imag

Paul Evans
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30/06/2015 7:52 pm  

Parker Knoll is not Knoll. Christ almighty the lack of basic knowledge on here is staggering sometimes. Read a f##ing book for once in your life.

Illustrious Member
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Posts: 1155
30/06/2015 8:42 pm  

Uncontrollable laughter ensued after I read your reply.
Read a fucking book for once in your life. To this I say: "Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read." - Groucho Marx
I think it is the "Christ almighty" at the beginning of a demeaning statement (albeit true) that makes me continue to laugh. It reminds me of my father at the point of desperation with the "stupid shit" I was doing 50 years ago.
Unless the original poster is 12 years old, there is no hope for them.

william swift
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30/06/2015 9:11 pm  

On a more constructive note, the chairs may be manufactured by Cintique. They would have a unique metal banding as seat and back support and be marked "Made in Britain". (Possibly on the underside of the arms.)

Illustrious Member
Joined: 9 years ago
Posts: 539
02/07/2015 3:22 am  

Oh I'm so sorry, when I discovered this forum I automatically assumed it was for the purpose of informing and helping others out, not being sarcastic, rude and generally unkind. I'll remember that for next time, if I even bother. I'm a rather educated person, however I'm new to the world of MCM. I know what I like, even if I'm unsure of the maker. I see one of the basic rules of this forum is "Respect and courtesy are essential". I guess you decided this doesn't apply to everyone.
If you'd rather remain an insular little group of sycophants for each other, keep up that lovely attitude.
Ps thank you for your reply Emcee M

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 1185
02/07/2015 4:22 am  

OP- I can immediately see why you might associate these pieces with Knoll- it's the straight cushions and tufting.
The slight similarity triggers the memory of a thing seen before, and the existing vocabulary and knowledge fill the blank. If a suitable vocabulary has not yet been built, there will be false connections. Anyone who has actually gained any "knowledge" should be able to immediately recall similar mistaken associations in their own personal history.
With repeated exposure over time things tend to become more precise.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 9 years ago
Posts: 539
05/07/2015 6:08 pm  

Thanks objectworship, I'm learning every day!! Emcee M you were completely right, it was indeed Cintique, thanks for your help!


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