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Killer recent find!

Killer recent find!  


Honorable Member
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Posts: 133
26/09/2007 2:05 am  

I was sifting through the usual dismall selection of "art" at my favorite local Salvation Army store.

After a few minutes flipping past the geese-in-bonnets and assorted teddy bear images and other vomitous offerings, I saw something that took my breath away.

But there was a problem. The piece was being VERY heavily scrutinized by a guy who I recognize as a frequent "picker".

He had a look on his face that said: "is this something important or another funky college art student cast off?"

Well he must have surmized the latter because the nanosecond that he let his death-grip off of the frame I was on it like white on rice!

I am very (VERY) pleased to announce that the picker carted off his cache of carnival glass and left behind an original 1957 Bernard Buffet painting for me. I paid the princely sum of $4.98 for my troubles.

I am so in love with this one that I don't know what to do with it. Keep or sell? An enviable conundrum non the less!

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 3499
26/09/2007 2:57 am  

"I am so in love with this...
"I am so in love with this one that I don't know what to do with it"
Well, what do you do when you're in love? You keep it around.

Big Television Man
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26/09/2007 3:04 am  

Was it part of his Paris...
Was it part of his Paris Landscapes from 1957. 57 is an interesting year/number as it was also (57 years) the exact length of his career. All I can say is congrats and by all means keep it.

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Posts: 133
26/09/2007 3:14 am  

No - not a landscape
The image is of a priest (I assume) leading two other priests who are carrying yet another on a stretcher. It appears to be ink,gouache and pastel. Strangely it is done on very cheap paper like that of a sketch book. I have a friend, who is a professional photographer, take some very high quality shots so that I can send them to the experts for initial evaluation. In '57 his oils were of Joan of Arc so I don't understand what this is. Perhaps a study for another painting? I don't know but I will find out!

Robert Leach
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26/09/2007 3:37 am  

But Well Done ! 🙂

Estimable Member
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26/09/2007 3:49 am  

Very nice find if it's...
Very nice find if it's right. Would be interested to see some images.

Illustrious Member
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Posts: 576
28/09/2007 1:50 am  

It's gratifying to know that true gems still exist within the dusty bins of the local thrift!! Anybody else come up with any art finds? I have a small Rodin bust that I picked up for 9.95 at the Salvation Army about a year ago.I am taking it to the local art museum to appraise.It definitely looks right!

Robert Leach
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28/09/2007 2:24 am  

I'd love to see some pics too 🙂

Honorable Member
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Posts: 133
30/09/2007 3:06 am  

robert1960- help please
I am trying to send an image of the Buffet painting but I am having trouble. I am using my wifes Mac, since I no longer use the PC at my former job.
I used to e-mail images to Photobucket but it is not working with the Mac.
Any tips?

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 6462
30/09/2007 3:34 am  

From a Mac,
you use the images in iPhoto and export them to "sites" or "documents." Then go to photobucket and upload them. Then use the URL of each photo and put it in your message (not the web link) here, surrounded by " " In front of that put: img src= then surround the whole thing with
Note that the only space is in img src
If that doesn't work, you can paste the URL into the "associated web link" box -- include http://


If you need any help, please contact us at –


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