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Jens Quistgaard pep...

Jens Quistgaard pepper grinder problem  


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05/04/2007 12:42 pm  

I have a chess piece pepper mill, the squat one with the scalloped top and the two pegs. It will not grind pepper very well and I wondered if anyone knew how to take it apart so I can recut the teeth at the bottom. Any help would be much appreciated or guidence of where to ask next. Thanks

Illustrious Member
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05/04/2007 6:01 pm  

I do not recognize this...
particular grinder, but Dansk as many others that did not manufacture their own designs rely on suppliers of parts to put the whole thing together. Most of them are similar to the Peugeot mechanisms and they are basically build as follows. The mechanism is an inner grinding wheel that is mounted on a square shaft. The shaft is slightly conical at the end to keep the wheel from falling out. The outside ring is the other part of the grinding mechanism and is mostly fixed with two small screws. To prevent the inner wheel from falling out there is a cross-bar mounted across the center wheel, sometimes it even keeps the wheel in the middle but that is unusual. The cross-bar is easy to take out, just un-srew the small screws (counter-clockwise) Having done that, most grinding mechanisms do not come apart because the top of the shaft holds the top (the part you turn to grind) a small knob prevents it from sliding down. In a fwe cases this knob allows you to adjust the corsness of the grind. Remove the knob by un-srewing it and the shaft with the center wheel will come out. Do not forget to empty the mill before you do anything. Good luck!...or as we say here: try your luck or follow the instructions.

Illustrious Member
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05/04/2007 7:07 pm  

A small selection of...
A small selection of Quistgaard's many many pepper mills:

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05/04/2007 9:37 pm  

cant find the screws
Thanks for your help, unfortunatly I cannot find any small screws either at the base or at the top. If you look at the picture link that M-Anderson posted, it is the fourth from the left. I have pulled out the pegs on top but they dont reveal anything and taken the plastic rings from the bottom, nothing there either. Any other ideas?

James Collins
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05/04/2007 10:18 pm  

New pepper mill
After years of living with awkward, clumsy, poorly designed and over styled pepper grinders I finally found one that is quite simply perfect. It's utterly functional without the slightest pandering to "design" (anyone ever have that awful Graves pepper mill from Target?). In it's perfect utility it achieves a rare and enviable beauty. It's easy to use, easy to fill, easy to change grind coarsness. If you like fresh pepper you must have this and it's not expensive.

I've thrown out all the other mills I had lying around.

James Collins
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05/04/2007 10:19 pm  

pepper mill redux
wrong link

Illustrious Member
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06/04/2007 7:43 pm  

Peugot was it until...
I have always bought Peugot steel mechanism peppermills, thinking they were the best. My parent have two that are over 100 years old that still produce a perfect grind. But lately I've found some ceramic ones that work better than at least one of the Peugots I have. And believe it or not the thing was $4.99 at IKEA. The appearance was very similar to the ones James Collines posted. I thin the smartest way to purchase a peppermill is to insist on tring it out. If the store doesn't allow you to test drive it walk away. The on Peugot I have that works poorly I bought online...lesson learned.

James Collins
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Posts: 547
07/04/2007 12:21 am  

Michael Graves
Anybody remeber that dreadful pepper grinder designed by Michael Graves (who really ought to stick to tea kettles and Disney hotels) for Taget? It should be a design school lesson in the dangers of famous names designing things they know nothing about. Would you hire a manatee to design a human toilet? Not that I'm comparing this to Michael Graves, that would be an insult to the manatee...


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