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17/02/2010 3:17 pm  

answer for ite
yes it is a yellow frame revolt chair like the one you see in 1000 chairs on page 244. i have 8 revolt chairs 2 yellow/black; 4 grey/blue and 2 blue/white from 1959. i love the pilastro racks, but they are very expensive.

Illustrious Member
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17/02/2010 6:37 pm  

I didn't know Landuyt had...
I didn't know Landuyt had anything to do with mewaf! Do you have some images of the work he did for them?
My father works in an administrative building in Courtrai/Kortrijk, old mewaf-units often found their way into our house. The quality is really good, but it lacks somewhat elegance or playfullness to adapt in an interior, I allways thought.
Having found the little metal organiser I am curious if they made things that were a bit more daring...
Do enlighten me!

ite (BE)
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17/02/2010 8:09 pm  

I got "error 500" when submitting.
no idea what is going on ?

ite (BE)
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17/02/2010 8:11 pm  

Visual Yin - Yang
met, I love seeing the grey/blue and the blue/white versions together ! They complement each other, definitely an example of the whole being even better than the parts separately. I think it you've got a great looking set here :o)
Yes, the Pilastro coathanger price: don't i know it. I looked at one of those larger versions a while back, but it cost more than I wanted to spend on a coatrack, so it went to another lucky owner.

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17/02/2010 9:05 pm  

do you know the chair
hi, is that the coat hanger designed by coen de vries you are thinking of? and by the way do you know the chair?

ite (BE)
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17/02/2010 10:07 pm  

Yep, that's the one. I don't...
Yep, that's the one. I don't recognise the chair. It looks slightly like the "acapulco chair" where the seat is concerned, but the base is different.

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17/02/2010 10:49 pm  

I've found this image. It says only O. Landuyt. But I saw an exhibitian about him once in Ghent (Caermersklooster). I seem to remember it talked about him being a designer.
I also once saw a picture (don't now where anymore) of a desk (similar to one by Pierre Paulin) by him.
In another museum they showed more of his stuff (too bad i did not know about it at that time.
"De bovenverdieping van het museum is gewijd aan design voor metaal- meubel- en textielindustrie, ontwerpen voor theaterdecors en -kostuums, publiciteit en affiches. Hier wordt meteen een ongezien en minder bekend aspect belicht van de kunstenaar als creatieve duizendpoot.
Voor dit deel van de tentoonstelling kon een beroep worden gedaan op de steun en de medewerking van de groep Van Marcke (Van Marcke, Mewaf), omdat Landuyt ook de ontwerper is van het logo met het zeepaardje en een aantal van hun eerste succesproducten."
I've added an article about Gervan to the same photoset.

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18/02/2010 12:00 am  

I am in the uk although I...
I am in the uk although I will be relocating to France fairly soon. I have some beat up Tomado that I will bring back to life to make a small reading music corner. Bought a stripped steel filing cabinet yesterday that I think I will keep and use in the bedroom.
The thread is looking good and my mind is smoking with all the inspiration.

Illustrious Member
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18/02/2010 10:40 am  

Great Erik, I enjoyed...
Great Erik, I enjoyed reading that article! Would it be alright if I used it on my website?
My gervan-set was probably made in the firm's early stage, where they describe the scandinavian influence. It's good to know my set was produced with a strong believe in quality and workmanship. I'm also pleased to read the design wasn't by foreign designers, but entirely by Gervan (although derivative). I'm upholstering my chairs in a luxurious beige fabric, it's a bit different from the black leather cushions but I wanted the choice to be totally mine.
Great to see you wrote that book on C.Gevers. I really like his work, so constructive, appears almost transparant.
Thanks for the image regarding the work of Landuyt for Mewaf.

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18/02/2010 3:15 pm  

for bj
No problem using the pictures, but to be correct : they come from a magazine called Infordesign which was once published by the Design Centre (Brussels).
Maybe you can mention this a the source.

ite (BE)
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21/02/2010 9:12 pm  

answer for metking
serendipity strikes again:

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23/02/2010 12:56 am  

ite, thanks, but it's easy to make stuff look good in photos 🙂 The real world is another story. I find it really difficult to bring a look together. This means you still need to decorate my place.
metking, fantastic place. I enjoyed the photos.
ite, metking, I love those Pilastro racks. They seem really hard to find. I just went through my bookmarks to no avail. The only one I found was sold. Even google was of little help.
bentply, good luck. Would love to hear more about your progress, once you get started.

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25/02/2010 11:01 pm  

Thanks! Great links.

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26/02/2010 8:50 pm  


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