Design Addict


Illums Bolighus  


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27/12/2006 11:30 pm  

I have some candlabras that were made for this company. Does anyone know of the designer(s) for candle holders for Illums Bolighus?

Robert Leach
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28/12/2006 1:30 am  

It's a Danish department store.......
So has had stuff from the best Scandinavian designers from the last 40 (that I know of) years.
I have items dating from the 1960s with both the manufacturers labels, and those of Illums Bolighus.

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28/12/2006 1:56 am  

Pictures please, Good Lines.
Pictures please, Good Lines.

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28/12/2006 9:18 pm  

pictures forthcoming
I have a number of items that I am "stumped" on insofar as the identification of the maker/designer.Again I will call on the collective knowledge available here. Stay tuned...

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29/12/2006 12:43 am  

Illums Bolighus is an incredi...
Illums Bolighus is an incredible store. It's both more and less than a department store. More in the sense that the selection of items of superior design is truly extensive, and less in the sense that it really isn't all that big of a store. It is internally connected to the Royal Copenhagen flagship store though, and next door to the Georg Jensen flagship store. All in all, three great stores in a row, on a pedestrian street called the "Stroget" that runs close to the Danish Parliament.
Their selection of Danish Design and modern items is unparalled. Plus, the top floor of the Royal Copenhagen store has a lovely old world "cafe" with some wonderful desserts.

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29/12/2006 8:03 pm  

Look at this web site to see the stores

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29/12/2006 10:13 pm  

Been there many times
I've been to Illums Bolighus many times. It's like a design museum except that you get to handle things and sit in the chairs and on the sofas and lounge on the beds!
A Danish friend told me that everything in the store is of Danish design. Does anyone know if this is true? I think I remember seeing some Swedish and Finnish things. Maybe she said it was all Scandinavian.
Whatever---it's wonderful. And yes, the cafe is good!

Robert Leach
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29/12/2006 11:16 pm  

I have
Finnish items from there..
...and on the verge of booking a plane sounds fabulous :o)

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30/12/2006 1:02 am  

I bought my mother's gift...
I bought my mother's gift for Christmas there (a tall white Peugeot pepper mill). Yeah, it's a really nice store esp. reg. the high concentration of modern furniture and design objects, though their selection is fairly mainstream. But then there's plenty of other interesting design shops in the nearby strees, both new and vintage.
Not all in Illum's Bolighus is by Danish designers. Not at all. There's design from all around the world, though there's quite a lot from Scandinavia, fx. both Marimekko and Kosta Boda have their own section. It was all recently renovated so now it's really, really nice with fx. a bar at the entrance and a whole, new section only with items by Piet Hein.
When I went there shortly before Christman, they were preparing for the sale her in January. Fx. at the second floor in the furniture department you're greeted by 18 Corona chairs by Poul Volther in black and brown leather, all with yellow salestags on them. Very impressive.
Illum's Bolighus also recently updated their own collection with some designs by young Danish designers. My favourite among these are Andreas Lund's impressive plywood stool, SIT. However I can't find a decent picture of it.

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30/12/2006 2:17 am  

to robert 1960
If you've never been, book that ticket. CPH is an incredible city. Starting with the sharply designed airport. Skip the Little Mermaid statue and go for the Danish Design Museum and the Glyptotek, both close to Tivoli. And rent a bike, it's the best way to get around.
Shop at Illums, Magisin du Norde, and 50 other cool stores on or around the Stroget. Drink some Tuborg beer, munch on a kringla, and take a daytrip to Malmo over the new Oresund bridge. Malmo has a cool waterfront district where you can sit on a warf overlooking the Oresund and watch the sun set with the bridge and CPH in the foreground. It is breathtaking.
If you want more ideas let me know.

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09/01/2007 11:26 am  

Illums Bolighus part II
M_Anderson,Robert1960 et al; Here are the candle holders stamped: "Illums Bolighus". Who do you think is the designer?

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09/01/2007 11:27 am  

This is NOT stamped Illums Bolighus.
It is stamped: "Nils Johan" - is that the designer or manufacturer. Who IS the designer of this piece?

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09/01/2007 11:29 am  

Illums Bolighus part III - "return of the dolt"
This is the correct image of the candleholders stamped "Illums Bolighus".
'Anyone know who designed them?

Robert Leach
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09/01/2007 1:44 pm  

I don't know
who designed them..sorry
I like them though ;o)


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