Design Addict


If not Milo Baughma...

If not Milo Baughman, who? Cy Mann?  

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Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
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23/01/2014 9:55 pm  

Those cushions look a bit...
Those cushions look a bit bloated.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
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23/01/2014 10:27 pm  

Fabrics/leathers will stretch slightly as they are used.

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27/06/2015 10:18 am  

I don't know where you are on this dilemma and I'm not much of a detail reader so pardon moi if I am reiterating someone else.
From what I have learned, Thayer Coggin is not a very helpful resource for information. Perhaps they have someone sitting at a desk all day waiting for emails (because they don't list a phone number on their website) to confirm if this or that piece of someones collection is a Milo Baughman piece. That's what I would do if I were a thriving furniture manufacturer...or not? Who knows?
Here's the point. Your chairs are friggen eh cool. Obviously if not a Baughman design then I'd say highly desirable. "I" love them and, time and time and time again...I have found that my nose knows when it comes to these things. I hate to sound vain but 48 its the last of about 5 huge talents I have that can't ware out with time and bad decision making (but lets not talk about my lost career in Opera).
Ok. I have learned this:These days if you say Milo Baughman ate out of this tuna can it's gonna sell, regardless if Starfish Tuna has a history of making the buyer vomit.
One year ago I bought a loveseat and sofa set from a dealer and sorta had a quizzical look on my face when he named his price. Knowing that look, he said "no these are not Baughman pieces". I didn't give a crap but, I was skeptical of his opinion. I wanted that loveseat and was pretty darn sure that I could make a little on the sofa. What matters is I LOVED THEM. I loved the style, the lines the fabric (a bit worn). How was I to know that a year later I would find out indeed they were Baughman sofas and I had about 5 times more than what I paid for them setting in my living room. Well the sofa was there because I didn't know where else to put it. Not until I attached Milo to the ads did I start to even receive interest!!! Really, its that what people are purchasing? A NAME. The only people who are going to pay out the a$$ for a piece of vintage furniture are only doing it for the name. And although that sums up the worlds problem it does not sum up yours. Names and labels may sell a piece but I buy what I love and if I cant afford it...I'm walken by. These pieces would not be in my home had I paid the price they are worth. Thank goodness for ignorance.
What I learned was, the pieces I had were desirable and as valuable as Baughmans if not more. His tuxedo sofas with wood sides almost make me orgasm but, I'd buy something like it of quality in a lower price. Who cares about labels. L*rd knows NO ONE would buy something with my name on it. I'd have to make up a name. But it would sell. I'm an artist also and what I make is cool but no one really likes me when it comes down to it...except my children.
If you plan on keeping them, enjoy them. They were made in a fashion that is very beautiful and you should be proud of the statement not the name. If you want to make some money, sell them to make a profit but don't rake some poor soul over the coals because he loves them.
A label is not a home. A home is not a label. And when we try to make it that, we are not making a home, we are making mausoleum. YUCK.
As for my love seat, I love it and it happens to be a piece of historical design genius. This does not keep me from letting my 9 year old parkour on it or my 12 year old from eating on it WITH dirty socks on. Heck I'd pass up anything that you had to set upright in with your hands folded.
The's still sitting here because my husband thinks he will make a million dollars off of it and he's waiting for some poor soul to purchase it for the label. We get offers daily. But before I knew it was a Baughman I advertised it for 500 dollars and did not have ONE person contact me. Poor souls.
Also pardon any grammatical errors, they come with the territory.

Captain Vague
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16/09/2015 12:04 am  

This should the case that you still check this forum.....Unless of course a Manufacturers catalog will not do the trick and you are just CONVINCED that Cy Mann did not produce them.
Chair #232
Like they say in other forums...When there is a mis-attribution, the true designer is ALWAYS the lesser known of the two possibilities.
As an aside, I Love Your Chairs......

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