Design Addict


If Heaven exists .....

If Heaven exists ....  

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Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 3499
06/09/2008 3:33 am  

... then this is what it looks like.

This is truly my favorite house in the world. I would live in it with absolutely no changes as happy as a clam.

Architecture by Eero S. Interior by Alexander G.

It gets no better.

Take a peek, and don't get lazy and leave, there are a lot of photos but the best is near the end.

You're welcome,


Illustrious Member
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06/09/2008 4:17 am  

this is as good a place as...
this is as good a place as any to put up a link to my brother in laws new house

Illustrious Member
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06/09/2008 4:38 am  

Good God, Ken. Your brother-in-law is going to be famous one day. Who is he?

Illustrious Member
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06/09/2008 6:02 am  

He will never be famous as...
He will never be famous as he is intensly private,we are not friends and he is not someone I will ever get to know but I have to say I like his style.

Illustrious Member
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06/09/2008 6:43 am  

I correctly recalled the name: Miller. Columbus, Indiana. Thanks for the pics (oh that's right, I'm already welcome).

Sound & Design
Illustrious Member
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06/09/2008 10:30 am  

Saarinen house is lovely. ...
Saarinen house is lovely. Love the use of natural light. Killians Wicklow house has some strong features...but too estoric for my taste.

Illustrious Member
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Posts: 818
06/09/2008 3:35 pm  

The house in the link I put...
The house in the link I put up here is only very very recently finished,the furnishings shown or the lack there of are not a representation of what will be going into the house,i believe they were put there only for the purpose of taking the photos.
The house is a bit minimal for me but I still like what the architects have delivered and I would imagine when he gets done furnishing it the house will be a bit more family friendly.

Illustrious Member
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06/09/2008 8:06 pm  

It's a remarkable design,...
It's a remarkable design, killian. I wonder how the cantilever is achieved. It appears that continuous joists/beams may run completely through the residence from the anchored section. It looks to be a considerable (and heavy) overhang. I do see the odd orange/red bracing below, but I imagine that is more decorative than structural, and, given the space as such, I think that feature may actually work to create a bit of a fragile perception. Nice place, regardless.

Big Television Man
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07/09/2008 1:07 pm  

Whitespike, I love this house also
If I were to change anything it would be to site the house on a 10 or 12 acre property, approach through a tree lined drive where the house is slowly revealed and I would remove all of the plantings directly near the house, the trees, the creeping ground cover so that the house sat on a perfectly manicured flat plain of say two acres of grass. No plant ornamentation just the house standing on it's own. Stark, yes, but sometimes great art needs a bit of breathing room.
It also reminds me a little bit, of the house that Cameron in the " Ferris Bueller's Day Off" movie lived in.

Illustrious Member
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08/09/2008 12:01 am  

Miller House
Is amazing. Whitespike- do you recommend any books about Girard? I must confess I dont know much about him. I love his sense of play, altho the marble walls feels a little cool to my tastes - I'm a wood kind of guy.
The details are amazing though - the little things like the cushions in the seating pit, the dolls dancing amongst the candelabra on the table, the freaky little cat sculpture next to the fountain. Just stunning.

Illustrious Member
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08/09/2008 9:16 pm  

Unfortunately, I can't...
Unfortunately, I can't recommend much good reading on Girard ... perhaps someonw else can. I have the Girard Herman Miller book, which is okay. It has pages and pages of fabric designs. It has very little on his other commissions that are non-HM related .... La Fonda Del Sol, Braniff Airlines, etc. Very little on his Environmental Enrichment Panels, Textiles and Objects Shop.
I would love a more thorough overview of his work and even personal life. Someone this inspired is worth a closer look, and on more than his work itself. What led him to be so original and fearless? I am sure many modernists gawked at his ornamented work. Maybe I'm wrong ....
As for marble walls, I love them. In my wildest dreams I'd have them. Not one damn thing I would change about this structure or it's decor.

Big Television Man
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08/09/2008 10:19 pm  

Don't you think though, that this beauty sitting on a open space of perfectly
manicured green grass would be stunning. There is a Charles Gwathemy (spelling?) house on Long Island that is in the middle of two acres of grass that makes the house stand out like a jewel, with nothing to break the eye from its beautiful lines.
Then again, I am a minimalist in the extreme.

Illustrious Member
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08/09/2008 11:29 pm  

I have to say I much prefer t...
I have to say I much prefer the beautiful landscaping. Open would feel unfinished. Besides, I prefer hidden sections with little surprises around each corner.
But, then again, I am no minimalist.

Big Television Man
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09/09/2008 2:16 am  

I agree with hidden surprises around each
corner, but the way some trees obscure some of the edges, one isn't able to get a full appreciation for a line as originally drawn. That said, I would still love living there as it would always make me feel exacting in everything I did.

Illustrious Member
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Posts: 3499
09/09/2008 3:10 am  

It's a good thing I don't liv...
It's a good thing I don't live there. That house would make a prick of me.
I would write myself little love notes and hide them so I could find them later. Perhaps one in the Nelson miniature chest .... one taped under the marble dining table or under an original Girard cushion in the sunken den.
It would say "dear Whitespike, when I gaze into your lovely eyes in the mirror I can only see the very definition of success and good taste. Your lovely example of architectural beauty makes thy chin appear stronger, your physique likened to the finest of Greek sculptures, and your lovely locks appear as wavy and kingly as a lion in the jungle. Only you can make dreams as infinite as the passing days of the universe. You truly are a knight and a scholar."
No one wants that.

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