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moto modernist
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04/12/2007 7:21 pm  

Hi there.
I've owned this pendant for 5 years and have never been able to find out who made it or when it was made. Does anyone have any ideas.
I live in Scotland in the UK.

Sound & Design
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04/12/2007 7:45 pm  

Can't help you identify it, but I can say I admire it.

azurechicken (USA)
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04/12/2007 11:50 pm  

Are you sure its not homemade out of plumbing?

Robert Leach
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05/12/2007 12:06 am  

Now you mention it
Now you mention it, they look exactly like the strainer out of my kitchen sink
Have you got a close up of one of the light fittings ?

Big Television Man
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05/12/2007 12:26 am  

It actually looks like
something you might make Mr. Moto Modernist. I love your designs and thought it was one of yours, if not, I can see how it might be an inspiration to your work. You are al blair out of Scotland, yes, no? Are you fishing for feedback on your own stuff? If so? Two thumbs up from me, it's so industrial and purposeful looking.

Sound & Design
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05/12/2007 6:35 am  

Looking at this chandelier, a strange feeling sets in. It's good, Just out of proportion. I imagine a gigantic kid, or preferably a women, inserting 4 quarters into a slot. Then using the joystick, maneuvering the chandelier so that it hovers above me. With it's claws, picks me up and drops me down a chute.

moto modernist
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05/12/2007 3:58 pm  

Dear oh dear....I can't make my mind up if I'm more disappointed about still knowing nothing of my mystery pendant or that the trainspoterati have failed to enlighten me.
Thanks WoofWoof, your smile made me simile, sorry, your simile made me smile which is more than I can say of azurechicken.....what a ridiculous question. Should I wince at your playfulness or embrace your repugnance ? As for robert1960, I can only assume your ridin' shotgun with that chicken. What would this forum be worth if someone posts, say a picture of the Eames lounge chair for ID and I quirk in and say ' oh that bentwood furniture reminds me of my bamboo steamers' . It's hardly constructive unless it's dispatched with a sense of humour or at least an exclamation mark !!!!!!!
Which leads me, thankfuly, to the one reply which made the post worthwhile in the first instance. BigTelevisionMan......your sharper than the Samuri sword good sir. Alas, I can't be the bearer of the years of compliment & praise this piece has received. Granted, it does resemble my clinically industrial style and thats what justified the wallet bustin' price I payed for it ( although very reasonable,around $400 ). I really like this pendant but theres one flaw in my eyes ( and if theres a place to divulge this, it's got to be here )....the union where the arms hit the vertical seems rather cumbersome. This, presuming the pendant was mass produced, might have been for two reasons, either it was convenient to use an 'in house' pre-manufactured component for economical sense or perhaps the cavity is required for electrical componentry. Who knows. Maybe it's just a weak spot in the plumbing....sorry, design !
Thanks for your compliment bTVman.
PS. I tracked back in the forum and noticed a very enjoyable 'introduce yourself thread' which I missed. I'm gonna do a wee intro tomorrow but I need some very specific photo's which are at home. Get your seat belts's not nice....

Illustrious Member
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05/12/2007 4:12 pm  

a pendant?
I wouldn't call it a pendant....if it's anything, it's a chandolier, isn't it?? Isn't it an arm thing? (If it's got 'em, 'taint a pendant?)

moto modernist
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05/12/2007 4:35 pm  

pettiness !
Gawd, what next....barrympls, if you don't know who made it, theres no need to reply.
I had to laugh though..... way back centuries ago when chandelier was spelt with an 'o', they really were all candles and cobwebs. Weve moved on and in my book a chandElier would be something that resembles that period.

Illustrious Member
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05/12/2007 5:17 pm  

I about petty
Sorry, I replied, sorry I misspelt chandelier....sue me! (I don't have a dictionary handy and this forum doesn't have a spell check feature...)
There's been alot of chat over the months about people getting their terminology straight, and I was pointing out that it's not a pendant.
I did not say how unattactive I think it is, did I?
So, it would have been more appropriate for you to thank anyone who provided you with any information.
Finally, if you're not prepared to deal with all possible replies, and if you are somewhat touchy, perhaps you might consider refraining from posting in the first place.

Robert Leach
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05/12/2007 5:50 pm  

The Very fact
that someone on the other side of the world indentified you as the owner of this (in your words) mass-produced light, can only lead me to the conclusion your work is derivative of it.
As for exclamation marks..overused and overrated !
I'm more of a dot/ full stop man myself ......
and your 'payed' is spelt paid, as you're correcting other people's spelling.

Illustrious Member
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05/12/2007 6:15 pm  

Funny, robert1960
Lots of us are insecure and easily defensive, but mood and I were having our own little shoving match. He overdoes exclamation points and I'm mad about series of dots.....
Neither of us are totally right, of course, but as they said on the old TV show...."A horse is a horse of course of course"
Isn'ta pendant a single light centered light source and a chandelier - however it's spelt - is two or more with arms?

Robert Leach
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05/12/2007 6:20 pm  

I would agree, a pendant is a hanging light, and a chandelier is a multi branched fixture, such as the one pictured.
It would also appear the spelling chandOlier is much used throughout the US, even today...

moto modernist
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05/12/2007 7:00 pm  

Having fun in the playground.
Iv'e got a big lollipop and none of you bad-boys are getting a lick 🙂

Robert Leach
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05/12/2007 7:18 pm  

Well, there's a relief..

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