Design Addict


Ideas for Ann Wynn ...

Ideas for Ann Wynn Reeves tiles  


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Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 19
18/07/2011 12:11 am  

My mom & dad recently gave us 2 boxes of tiles that had been sitting moldering under the porch for the last 40 years or so, and I just got around to googling them. I had never heard of the artist which is stamped on the back, Ann Wynn Reeves, but always thought the tiles were beautiful. Turns out they're also a bit collectible.

The issue is I don't know what to do with them. They are a mix of solids and patterns, about 60 in all. We'll be renovating our kitchen and bathrooms soon (house is a 1950 fixer rambler in DC area) so some use there? Seems a shame to permanently grout them in. Maybe a band of them in an upper and lower stainless track so they can be rotated? Make them into a tabletop?


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