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ID recliner / chais...

ID recliner / chaise longue  

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Prominent Member
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01/07/2010 4:21 pm  

The daily sport and the racing times...give them a go.

Illustrious Member
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01/07/2010 4:56 pm  

Or Tomcat in Love...
Good book that.

Illustrious Member
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01/07/2010 5:14 pm  

Lit - For British stuff why...
Lit - For British stuff why not Austerity to Affluence (Richard Chamberlain), or any of Andrew Weaving's books or The 1940s Home book (Paul Evans) or the Studio Yearbooks (even in condensed Taschen form) or you could even just to a public library and see what they have....a World of Books, and silent times in thought
(btw you have more than enough information here on DA to identify that chaise)

Illustrious Member
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01/07/2010 5:46 pm  

Unasked for advice is seldom welcome but here goes...If your interests are broad there is a huge range books to choose from, few are definitive. On architecture perhaps Frampton, Pevsner (architecture and design) and Giedion. It takes a long time and a lot of effort, start at the library if you can't afford the books, what can I say it seems so obvious! Start reading, look at what you enjoy looking at, take notes, make sketches, its really a pretty pleasant way to spend your time. If you really love design you'll have to make sacrifices, but it shouldn't feel onerous, if it does you're in the wrong field. Hang around the V + A, you're very lucky to live where you do.
Second hand bookshops and yard sales often turn up old books and magazines that can be a very valuable resource, often more so than recent publications and publishers sell remaindered or damaged books at low cost.
After many years you'll know enough to make connections within your own knowledge and come to conclusions which don't require books. It won't come quickly and it won't come via google and you can't expect anything even approaching good general design knowledge by being drip fed from places like this. So like the student caught cheating in exams being confronted by the angry teacher, they're not disappointed because you cheated but because you are depriving yourself of an education, I don't intend to sound patronising but something you do for yourself is always more rewarding.
If a book looks good and cheap but isn't quite what you're interested in at the time buy it anyway, arts and craft pottery might bore you to death but once you've got a library together you'll be able to cross reference...and learn more! It never ever ever stops, and when you see all the marvelous things humans have done with their minds and hands you'll be humbled, thats the good part 🙂
Good luck.
Ooh Paulanna beat me to the library and made some good suggestions! That Austerity to Affluence book is excellent.

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01/07/2010 6:12 pm  

Reading that was like a breath of fresh air I imagine you sitting on your porch gin and tonic in one hand Keats in the other occasionally dabbing a lavender scented hanky to your nose. Close?

Lit Up
Illustrious Member
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01/07/2010 6:15 pm  

Yeah Bentply that's a decent...
Yeah Bentply that's a decent response, read and learn. Maybe you're in the daily sport. Or if you're male, then your wife is. Or probably was, I'm guessing you're pretty old now
Thanks Heath! Although that Austerity to Affluence book looks pretty rare, one used copy on amazon for 95 quid

Illustrious Member
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01/07/2010 6:38 pm  

Not sure how to take that, actually I just lie around all day watching my eye lashes grow.
Truth be told I'm sitting here with a filthy coffee cup on a nice but decrepit Juhl like chair with a dirty ashtray, bits of wood experiments, unwashed socks, work boots, a full scale drawing on some mdf, a Wanscher chair that doubles as a laundry basket of sorts. Its pretty bad!
There is a biography of Evelyn Waugh on the floor too so maybe you're half right.
And a book called Eros in Antiquity which is HOT.

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02/07/2010 1:28 am  

If you are not aware Lit up that response goes well over what I would consider acceptable banter. I am not into this macho bravado internet stuff so I will keep it short That is the last time you mention anything about my family I have accepted your bullshit as attention seeking but this is final do you understand?
I believe this is the second time you have insulted someones family, are there any rules of decency on this forum.
To the moderators please let me know if I am being over the top if so this will be last post on the site.

Lit Up
Illustrious Member
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02/07/2010 2:58 am  

Hold on a sec, I asked for...
Hold on a sec, I asked for reading material relevant to British design and you suggested I read the Daily Sport. If you find this an objectionable publication, why suggest I read it? Surely the only reason you're suggesting other people purchase it is that you or your family are in it. That you suggest I read the Daily Sport when I ask for material relevant to design is no doubt also because you have very little relevant knowledge. Why open your trap if you have nothing worthwhile to say?

Robert Leach
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02/07/2010 3:25 am  

Why open your trap if you have nothing worthwhile to say?

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