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ID Rosewood chair p...

ID Rosewood chair please  


Eminent Member
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12/11/2014 12:57 am  

Hello,            I picked up a pair of solid rosewood chairs a while back and before I do any work to them would love to identify them. I've traweled every relevant website I know.I'm hoping from the distinctive shape of the arm and the unusual joint of arm to front leg, someone will know the chair ?It's well built, quite heavy. The upholstery is later however peering inside, the original horse hare stuffing and hessian are all still in place. Looks and feels like a nice chair.Thanks, Albertini
<img class="wpforo-default-image

leif ericson - Zephyr Renner
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12/11/2014 6:27 am  

Never seen it before.  But it is rather surprising that it has horsehair inside. Seems to suggest it might be early... But I tend to think of rosewood as more common later. 
I realize I am assuming it is a Scandinavian, but perhaps that is no right. Where in the world did you find the chair?  And do the little details of its construction hint at Scandinavia?  Do they suggest it was a production piece? Or custom?

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12/11/2014 11:39 am  

I enjoy furniture, but am no authority. My feeling is the chair is early, I'd also like to think Scandinavian and known rather than custom.
I also found remnants of the original fabric. A tight nit  and deep blue / green.
I travel plenty and by chance found the chairs in the middle of nowhere in the uk..

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14/11/2014 7:08 pm  

It looks like it could be South American.

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15/11/2014 2:56 pm  

South American !?

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18/11/2014 3:39 pm  

277 views and no one knows the chair. Must be super rare ?

Illustrious Member
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18/11/2014 4:27 pm  

Either that or the same 15 lurkers keep checking back every time there's a new post hoping to learn more about your fantastic chairs.
Like me for instance.

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18/11/2014 4:27 pm  

Sometimes no one here can ID a piece.  It happens.  Your chair may be rare for whatever reasons--maybe it was from a small company, maybe they discontinued that design for some reason.  Who knows.
I think the suggestion of South American probably referred to Brazilian designers of the MCM era.  I believe they did a lot in rosewood.  This website has some good examples if you're interested in learning more.  They don't show your chair but it's always fun to look anyway, right?

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18/11/2014 4:32 pm  

tktoo, I'd always wondered about that, whether every view was a unique visitor or just a click.  So I just tested it.  It's just a click.

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18/11/2014 4:40 pm  

yeh, now you mention it, I might have been one of those lurkers.
Spanky, thanks for the link. I will look into it and yes I do enjoy learning a little.

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25/11/2014 10:57 am  

432 views. Becoming real rare. Never mind restore and enjoy, sell and retire early ( once I find the maker , that is )

Trusted Member
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09/12/2014 1:23 pm  

 Maybe think Norwegian or Swedish ??

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13/01/2015 11:55 am  

Haven't checked this thread for a couple of months and was living in hope.
One last attempt to bump it up, in the hope it finds a fresh audience ??

Eminent Member
Joined: 5 years ago
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07/05/2015 12:11 pm  

Well I’m still tripping over these chairs, so I’m bumping this thread up in the hope a fresh audience will identify them ?


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