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ICF eames soft pad ...

ICF eames soft pad seat height  


pink pelican
Active Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 13
05/03/2014 1:05 pm  

hi, i have just had an Eames soft pad for ICF returned to me because the buyer said the seat height was too low. (seat height was 46cm height 82 cm)

Has anyone else encountered these kind of issues with ICF chairs, or is my chair a 'non standard' size. Can anyone please compare with the seat height on their ICF soft pad if they have one.
many thanks

Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 572
05/03/2014 7:08 pm  

ICF soft pads do tend to be...
ICF soft pads do tend to be quite a bit lower than Vitra. One way to combat this is to add castors to the chair which brings it to a more suitable height. I don't have the exact heights any longer I'm afraid.


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