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I Mac  

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Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2967
01/10/2007 9:57 am  

I was at the mall today and wondered into the apple store and saw the new I mac , what a machine and how cool is cool, I love good design and this has it all, I have never laid a finger on a mac. always a p.c. guy but as soon as i pay off the credit cards, the rock job on the house, lasik eye surgery for the wife, the new Lexus,I am gonna own that 24 inch MAC it is just too cool
Does anyone out there own a new mac? How do you like them? easier to use than a PC ? will it be tough to convert to , easier than Christan to Jewish ? than Jewish to Christian,
(does that happen) anyway i would love to know what you folks use and think,

Modern Love
Illustrious Member
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01/10/2007 11:34 am  

Once you switch
you will never go back. Now that all the Office applications run on Mac, there really is no reason to go back anymore.
I would say for me personally, the adjustment period was about a day. This was 6 years ago, and there has never been a moment since that I wished I was on back on PC.
Come to think of it, I have never heard of anyone switching back to PC.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 3499
01/10/2007 11:36 am  

You'll never go back. Macs...
You'll never go back. Macs are infinitely superior in function, design, ease of use, and they're not too bad on the eye either 😉

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 3499
01/10/2007 11:37 am  

They do have products in...
They do have products in MOMA. They must be good!

hey there
Active Member
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01/10/2007 11:46 am  

apple is on a roll
design, power, technology, passion - converged.
ipod, iphone, macbooks, imacs... to lust for more, what will they think of next?

Eminent Member
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Posts: 27
01/10/2007 2:30 pm  

i love mine!
really like the new imac. its a really clean computing experience. and for some reason, my desktop is always nice and clean on the mac. go figure...

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 406
01/10/2007 3:29 pm  

One classic after another
1. Check out the new Samsung printer, now sold only at Mac retail stores. (link below)
2. The calculator screen on the iPhone: anyone else see an homage to Dieter Rams in the graphics?

moto modernist
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01/10/2007 4:20 pm  

I'm no expert with computers but believe me when I say that I held back for years before switching to a Mac and low and behold, it was the best thing I ever did. Very straight forward changeover...don't hesitate .
Iv'e not seen the thing of beauty you describe though I have no doubt whatsoever that it will look amazing. My wee i-book is still so cute I want ta' hug it !

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2967
01/10/2007 9:41 pm  

Thanks folks that is why i asked ,
I knew someone out there uses the machine. I will have one on my desk by Christmas Day. the big 24 inches is awesome, so you say easy to transition to????

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 3499
01/10/2007 10:15 pm  

It's much easier to go from a PC to a MAC than the reverse.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 472
02/10/2007 2:06 am  

Now I want a Mac. I picked up the Iphone for my wife when it lowered to $300, it is amazing.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 3499
02/10/2007 2:49 am  

I thought all design addicts...
I thought all design addicts used Macs!

James Collins
Illustrious Member
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Posts: 547
02/10/2007 7:30 am  

Mac - yes
Mac since my first putty 128K. 1 floppy disk, no hard drive. Do all my work on Macs, wouldn't have anything else.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2967
02/10/2007 8:58 am  

Jim one hell of a web designer you should all take a moment to look at his great web design, I did and they are great !!!!! hats off to Jim,

Big Television Man
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Posts: 388
02/10/2007 9:39 pm  

Mac since '85, never a PC,...
Mac since '85, never a PC, absolutely no regrets. Use is absolutely intuitive, no learning curve whatsoever. Windows in any form is an Apple operating system from almost 20 years ago.

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