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Hvidt Chair Spline ...

Hvidt Chair Spline Joint  


leif ericson - Zephyr Renner
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Posts: 5660
19/03/2014 3:31 am  

This is the first of Hvidt & Mølgaard for Søborg model 316 chair I've ever owned, so I am not very knowledgeable of them, but I don't remember seeing this spline joint on the top of the seat back on these chairs when I've seen them around. Is it usually there?

pirx pilot
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19/03/2014 6:00 am  

I just checked mine. I have four side chairs and two arm chairs, and I can see the splines on five of them,...but I assume the sixth chair has them also. I didn't have the best light to examine them under.

leif ericson - Zephyr Renner
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19/03/2014 6:13 am  


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19/03/2014 6:31 am  

My four all have them,...
My four all have them, although they were nearly undetectable until they were refinished. A friend had six, and all of those had them as well.

Illustrious Member
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19/03/2014 7:08 am  

Good structure,
and hard to disguise completely, as the grain directions of the two joined caps are necessarily so divergent -- the reason for the joint in the first place. I assume the rest of the back is formed veneer (plywood). At greater trouble and expense, the top caps of solid wood could have been replaced by a single piece, a curved lamination.
Flexing of the back in use would endanger the joint in the cap, unless it were reinforced as we see it. This cap stiffens the back a great deal, I would think . . .


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