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How to not ruin Eam...

How to not ruin Eames Original Rocker Runners  

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Famed Member
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07/10/2011 12:05 am  

We have a rope edge RAR and there is almost no absurdity that will not be entertained to ensure it never gets ruined or fucked up.

The runners on our chair were worn down and damaged. Rather than try a repair myself, I went to a Master Craftsman.

He did research and informed me that how Eames originally produced their runners from Birch was to take blocks of birch, glue them together and from a giant form they would cut out as many runners needed and finish from that point. Thus, some would have a almost invisible line running back to front on the runners (that is where the block was glued).

This made sense, as the runner had a 5 inch section running back to front "snapped" off that was perfectly straight and dead flat - an impossible break in wood. Now we knew why.

So we paid him to fix them. But still we had a problem - what about further damage? Tape the bottoms? Should we have Plastic to prevent the bottom of the runners becoming worn?

No! We wanted it looking free of obstruction. We wanted to use the piece - not just admire it. So we thought about buying a new base from Modernica to get the runners so we could use them (we didn't care about the base frame), but we didn't want to spend the money they ask - and besides, we wanted the highest quality - not the cheapest material around produced by unskilled people for an item that may not be exactly like the 1949 edition.

So, we had him produce for us a set of runners made from not block, but 100% solid Birch. He created a template and then by hand cut the pieces out, and finally finished them.

After they were produced, he took two weeks to find not only the perfect stain, but created a special mix of catalyst varnish using tones to create a patina so that the wood would also look like the old runners in terms of shade - so the chair looked all the same age.

We are very happy.

The new runners can be held against the old ones and the dimensions, drill holes, length and curvature are precisely identical.

It wasn't cheap - but quality never is. We are very happy with the outcome, which you can see below.

<img class="wpforo-default-image-attachment wpforoimg" src=" " /

Trusted Member
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07/10/2011 3:51 am  

Kozik's labbit in the...
Kozik's labbit in the background goes nice with the chair!

Illustrious Member
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07/10/2011 5:35 am  


Prominent Member
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07/10/2011 6:05 am  

not impressed...
about a minute of reseach could have yieled you a replacement pair of equal if not better quality for $40.

Modern Love
Illustrious Member
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07/10/2011 6:45 am  

Those aren't birch setag
The details are not the details. They make the design.

Illustrious Member
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07/10/2011 6:50 am  

Just from the photos
tinyarmada's runners look much nicer.

Famed Member
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07/10/2011 6:56 am  

I'll plug the rep of the guy who made them for us because I have seen his work and there is no better furniture built anywhere. He does reproductions and repairs to timeless pieces from around the U.S. If he was to make an eames repro item out of wood, it would cost an arm - but you would be abashed, as you would find his work would be better.
Indeed, those on that website do look good, but when we saw them, I had my doubts.
Besides, I wanted Birch.
Better quality than a Master Craftsman? I do not think so. Master Craftsmen are not a dime a dozen.
I doubt that website sourced their wood for the best, and the varnish they would use would not be the best - which takes some time to cure - up to 20 days.
I am sure it is quality stuff, but it is not going to beat sourced wood and a Master craftsman's touch to get the finish rock hard and matched as he did.
For the Dollars we paid the guy, I knew we got the best possible anywhere - and it wasn't as much as you might think.

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07/10/2011 7:02 am  

Woodywood's labbit
Oh god, what an awesome autograph & message on your labbit's ass. Sweet. Only sucks because your left debating which end to display.

Illustrious Member
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07/10/2011 9:46 pm  

Well, tiny, while it's nice that you're happy
with the nifty replacement runners you've had made for your chair, I wonder if they don't look a bit out of place on a vintage piece. Not to discount your research or the craftsmanship involved, but they kinda stand out to my eye.

Famed Member
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08/10/2011 1:11 am  

well they were made this year....
I'm not sure what makes this stand out to your discerning eye so much but obviously these were made to replicate the old runners that came with the chair. Maybe the original runners would "stand out" to you too, actually I know they would because one laid flat on the ground due to a split in the wood. That's the only major difference I can see between the org. and copies - though I did have him repair the split on the org. with the broken piece I had.
The only thing I could say is these look fresher and not-used as opposed to roughed up and used for 50 years. I wanted these to look like they originally did when produced and bought 60 years ago. My whole point is to keep and love the chair for the next 50 years, so I figure I needed the same good start with the runners as the first owners had. If I started with what the shape the original runners were in - I'd be trying to rock with toothpicks in 20 years.
The first pick shows them against the floor under natural lighting, the other two are done with flash and natural sunlight to highlight the grain & Varnish. The first photo is how they appear - and as can be seen, they do not look out of place.
I could easily go bury these in the yard for a week, sand them, kick them about, rub them on cement and basically age the hell out of them if I wanted to get a "vintage look" but I'd prefer just to do the job properly over the next 20 years.
Maybe later this week I'll get the original runners that came with the rocker, which I've stashed away for safe keeping, and photograph them next to the reproduction ones I've got on the chair now.Since there are variations with RAR runners and their mileage, one needs to see the original vintage runners I asked him to try and copy to judge the work.

Reputable Member
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08/10/2011 4:44 am  

Why is this thread angry sounding?
Jeeze, everyone wants to fight... Nice job tiny on your expensive replacement runners. they look good, and closer to originals then New well made cheaper reproductions, and for you bargain dealers modernica and modern conscience is where its at!!!
(btw...whos to say that the rope edge RAR's back in the day didn't look close to our newly produced rocker bases when hot off the assembly line in 1953, I know they are made with different materials, but everything is newly made at one point or another.)
Happy threading!

Famed Member
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08/10/2011 6:17 am  

Thank you
Thanks for the last comment.
Like every forum you have people who like to thread shit, its their right I suppose when you put something up to share with the public. Everyones got a right to an opinion but I think maybe some people were confused on the point of the post. We kept and love the old runners, but don't want to have them subjected to everyday wear & tear - hence having copies made.
I thought finding another avenue for quality RAR runners would be good news, since I wasnt happy with the ones available online I figured I wouldnt be alone. Seeing as though every town has master carpenters it means taking itto one of these guys to replicate can turn out very well. II thought this would be good news and we just wanted to share our excitement.
Also we paid less than most of the reproductions online, this wasn't some majorly expensive project. Fair price for excellent work.

Eminent Member
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08/10/2011 9:33 am  

great job
looks awesome tinyarmada. i have been waiting to see what you came up with after discussing importing the repros to australia for my shells (which wasnt really my preferred way to go). i have been inspired to follow suit and have some custom made...what i'll use to get the exact dims i dont know yet but i know i'll feel better doing the shells justice with a custom job. im glad i waited to see what you came up with.
forgot to ask but could you point me in the direction of the fellow who made them...i did a google search for M.C but came up with a thousand possibilities. thanks if you (or others) can help.

Famed Member
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08/10/2011 10:46 am  

How to get the runners
Hi there,
Glad to help and I remember your post. Our guy took exact dimensions from our originals.
You can contact me on aaron.e.saxtonATgmailDOTcom and I will throw you in the right direction and any other specifics you might need.

Illustrious Member
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09/10/2011 7:09 am  

So . . .
the only thing I didn't learn here was "How to not ruin Eames Original Rocker Runners" ! Did I miss something, early on ?
I think the poster did just the right thing -- had a pair of runners made of a solid piece of the correct material. Of course a new piece of wood is going to look. . .new. I have long counseled those caring for old wooden houses to replace deteriorated wood with new -- unapologetically -- in the time-honored manner. Clinging to "original fabric" is for curators and historians. The rest of us get along just fine with "new shingles" and other replaced parts -- naturally.
That rocker is just lovely -- my favorite of all the fiberglass colors -- and even better with its second set of runners. Bravo.

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