My father-in-law, an inventor/designer by trade, took up making mobiles in the early 80's after he retired. He made some original designs-- one huge beauty hangs in my husband's parents' house to this day-- and a few replicas which have been stored in their basement. For my husband's birthday a few days ago, he dusted this one off and gave it to us.
As we all know, the Calder estate does not permit reproductions but I'd imagine that making your own at home not for resale must count as fair use. Or are the art police already on their way?
The original designer of mobiles is still the best. There are so many alternatives around, it is good to see someone take the trouble to "go to the source."
Few mobile makers use the materials as Calder did: the unusually direct means of attaching wire to sheet metal, and of making loops and rings, were his signature as much as were the shapes and colors he employed. I have a lot of affection for someone who reproduces these icons -- a rarity, it seems to me.
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