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Homage to Rex chair

Homage to Rex chair  


Eminent Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 27
03/04/2008 3:15 pm  

This is a lounge / garden chair designed by Niko Kralj, Slovenian designer, on 1952.
Kralj means "king" in Slovenian language, what gave the royal name to this modest chair.

This comfortable chair has been widely produced and very present in our homes. My parents had 3 of them in the living room during 60-ties, than they were "downgraded" to the balcony chairs, where they still are.

It is very comfortable chair, it's possible to add cushions. Once folded, it waits the nex summer without taking much place.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 2534
03/04/2008 3:44 pm  

Thanks Angela, it is good to...
Thanks Angela, it is good to see a post about a chair that is not fashionable, seductive, expensive or notorious but just a good chair that does whats its meant to do and leaves the humans untroubled to have their afternoon drink on the balcony.
What is the timber?

Eminent Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 27
03/04/2008 4:55 pm  

Don't know...
I don't know the original timber, but it was produced by so many different manufacturers, in different woods!
It is in "molded plywood" (am I writting it corectly?), the designer was inspired by Eames furniture style.
This chair was in many modern design museums, but out of ex-Yougoslavia and Eastern block countries (even if Yu was never in Eblock), it was practicaly unknown. 2 milions of these chairs were manufactured in Slovenia. In some periods they were produced in SSSR at the rate of 17 thousand chairs per day!


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