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Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 1721
24/06/2015 10:27 pm  

> First of all we must clarify that the graphic that starts this thread seems
> curious to say the least. fastfwd ... could you explain how you have
> generated it? The distinction between ‘general' and 'identifications' threads
> did not exist before September 21 2014 so it seems impossible to make
> any credible comparison between the new and the old versions.
Someone at DesignAddict apparently sorted old threads, from before the redesign, into the new categories. I collected my original data by simply counting those threads.
I have examined the topics more carefully, though, and I've discovered that some old ID threads -- approximately 20 per month -- were (understandably, given the high volume) misclassified as "General". The new, more accurate graph is below. As you can see, it conveys the same overall message as the original graph.
> Note that the separation into different forums was the main claim that
> emerged when we asked for your opinion before the launch of the new version.
One can hardly blame you for fulfilling the desires expressed by your readers... But I will point out that the people who complained most loudly about the old design were not long-time contributors to the forum, and indeed have contributed very little, if anything, since the redesign.
Those of us who were frequent contributors should probably have said more. I said very little about the forum design at the time, because it would have been rude to tell Patrick and Alix how to run their site. They were providing a free service to me -- a gift, really -- and I figured that it was up to them to decide whether to make changes to it. In retrospect, maybe the people who were happy with the old design should have actively lobbied for no change.
> it’s not normal that you have to log in often. Normally, if you don’t
> choose to log out, you should stay logged in.
You only stay logged in if your web browser allows cookies to persist from one session to the next. Many people configure their browsers to clear their cookies periodically or after every session, in order to avoid being tracked by advertising networks, etc. Those people will have to log in again whenever their cookies are cleared.
> The text of the forum is dark gray on a white background.
Yes, comment text is dark grey on white. The forum rules, username, date, and some headings are light grey on white; the Calendar/Books/Links buttons, the page numbers, the "top of page" button, and the Next/Previous buttons are medium grey on light grey; the Filters button is light grey on medium grey, forum topic headings are dark grey on light grey, the Upload button is white on medium grey, and the "Log in or register to post comments" text is dark grey on medium grey. And all the unused "whitespace" on the page is dull light grey.
Nearly all of that would be way more readable (and more nicely printable) if it were higher contrast: black on white or white on black, with occasional white on dark grey or black on light grey.
> The very long threads were taking forever to open because the pages
> were becoming too heavy. Demand for long threads split into different
> pages was part of the recurring demands of users.
Fine, but the new design doesn't fix the problem. Over 95% of the topics posted in the General category have fewer than 50 replies and therefore gain no benefit from the 50-reply split. Nearly all of the remaining 5% have between 50 and 100 replies, so they take LONGER to load: First, replies 1-50 load, then I hit "Next", then replies 51+ load. It's the same as before the redesign, except that now I have to click a button halfway through the loading.
The 50-reply split only helps with the topics that have more than 100 replies, because readers can skip from the first to the last page without loading the pages in between. In the last eighteen months, only twenty-seven of those topics have been posted to.
And of course the "First Unread" feature only works if you're persistently logged in.
> the possibility of avoiding certain threads (mainly identifications) was
> claimed by many users
Yes, but the chosen "solution" to this problem has clearly had unintended consequences. I don't believe that most readers want to avoid ID threads completely; I think they only want to avoid, for example, the threads posted by first-time users who've just bought some crappy mass-produced nothing at a thrift shop and want a valuation so they can list it on Ebay. But because the filtering mechanism is all-or-nothing, the choices available to those readers are a) see no irrelevant ID threads, but also see none of the interesting relevant ones, or b) see all the ID threads, the vast majority of which are irrelevant, and laboriously pick through them to find the good stuff.
I'm sorry that this post is so long. When I have time again, I'll post some of my thoughts on possible improvements.

Estimable Member Admin
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 91
25/06/2015 5:49 pm  

Thanks fastfwd for taking the time to look at all this in details. We had a discussion this afternoon with our web developer to answer some of your requests. All your suggestions are welcome. As usual, we will try to take them into consideration, insofar as possible.
Patrick & Alix

Illustrious Member
Joined: 13 years ago
Posts: 1395
28/07/2015 5:38 pm  

This is the most interesting thread that I have seen on DA in months. I will give you my two cents as one of those people who used to be a DA fanatic and now hardly check this site. No offense, Patrick and Alix, but I'm going to be brutally frank.
1. The forum used to be the focus of the website and the buying/selling aspect was secondary. I completely understand the monetary need to cede half of the home page to sales. But . . .
2. The long-time posters, (10 years plus), are, ahem, getting older. We are not buying anything anymore because our house(s) are full and, for those of us who were dealers, many of us are done with all that.
3. So, you've got an aging population of mid-century modern fanatics who are not out scouting second-hand stores anymore but who still find talking amongst our peers, (often at the expense of newbie's egos), entertaining.
4. Plus, there is always the possibility that someone somewhere in the world will find something extraordinary or design something extraordinary that will catch our eye. Hence, the reason why I check back in from time to time.
5. That leaves us with a bunch of newbie millenials who couldn't be arsed to do any research themselves who use the site to get easy answers but the problem is that the people with the answers are no longer paying attention.
That's all. Rant over.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 4376
28/07/2015 8:09 pm  

Oh, I don't know, Riki--I have been done buying anything major for myself for a few years now and I still love checking in here to see stuff I've never seen before. The most I look, the more I realize how small my personal body of knowledge is. And I do know way more than I knew when I started on this adventure 18 years ago or so! It's just fun to learn new stuff and see beautiful, interesting things that are new to me whether I will ever own them or not (mostly, overwhelmingly NOT).
People do move on. But others take their places and you never know who might end up being a real treasure here, no matter their age.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 1155
28/07/2015 8:58 pm  

I do miss you on this forum. How would I ever have found the extremely useful Martin Kastner Antenna for Crucial.
I am old enough to qualify as a senior citizen and the three reasons I have to stop buying are:
1. incapacitated
2. held against my will
3. dead
As for those who desire an answer and want someone, anyone, to do their homework. I will give a correct answer with some editorial comment. Check the link below:
"Shane. Shane! Come back!".

New Member
Joined: 9 years ago
Posts: 2
29/07/2015 1:26 am  

New poster, longer time reader. The archived posts here are such an ocean of info (especially for a newbie) that I rarely have questions. Also, compared to the knowledgeable collectors here, it's hard to think of content that might be new to the group. I'm working on that.
I found the Basic Rules for the first time today, including the one against requesting valuations. I was going to ask where the rule was posted, because I could never find it (I knew it existed, somewhere.) There it was, right under the comment box!
For my two cents, new posters could still miss the part about "no valuations," because it's listed after the more boiler plate stuff (courtesy, advertising.) Also, the print is small and light gray.
One idea might be a "sticky" post that stayed at the top of the forum, where newcomers might see it. A post title like "Requesting IDs and Valuations" might attract those who intend to ask values. The post body could contain the third Basic Rule (no antiques, no valuations.) Or it could re-list all four rules, but I think the valuations rule needs to be prominent.
There could also be a line or two about using the Sold section on eBay, or other research ideas, such as using Google Images, or getting to know your local dealers and shops. I've been looking things up on eBay for years, but not everyone knows about it.
Reducing the need for negative replies to valuation requests would be a good thing (although some replies are entertaining!) I suspect at least some "value requesters" have missed the rule, and might not otherwise ask. Some percentage of these might go on to become active members in time, but if they feel badly about the misstep, they might not post the forum loses potential members.
(I have no solution for those who know the rules, but just don't care, except for a smack on the head.)
A sticky post at the top is redundant, but it might help...?

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 4586
29/07/2015 2:07 am  

I had an odd dream last night that SDR and I were camping in a quonset hut outside of Marfa, Texas with Eameshead and _______ living down the road next to the Dairy Queen with Donald Judd's ex. I wore pink, perpetually blamed Ray, and kept the bar well stocked. Then the doorbell rang, and in came spanky and her handsome brother carrying a freshly baked meatloaf, sweet idea's, and a smile. All of my shockmounts were at full attention. Suddenly I started to dance uncontrollably with a Sol Bloom "Catch All" whilst carrying a highball safely in hand. Instantly I privately knew that I was making a fool out of myself, but the smell in the air kept me from veering off course. With the slightly loud music thumping, and the chickens in the back yard scrambling around like they were about to be dinner, the doorbell rang for the umteenth time that afternoon. The tall slender shadow enveloping the modern doorway looked slightly familiar. Robert1960, I said? Hello, said he..let's have a beverage. Heath was so sweet to arrange all of the flowers. I saw a few others, too...even niceguy.
Aunt Mark
ps Leif knew how to dance, and grendel was a pistol.
to be continued.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 4586
29/07/2015 2:33 am  

I (in my odd dream) remember fastfwd mentioning the he didn't mind the itching, but he couldn't stand the swelling. He's sharp, methinks. It was getting dark outside soon, the moon was half full and I forgot what I had for breakfast. I had the housekeeper put cough drops out on every side table, just in case of need. I had a notion to change my outfit, but needed SDR's fashion sense to guide me into the evening. tchp was nearby, so I politely asked for advice. We spoke of casserole recipes, and I recall learning a new naughty limerick about a gal named Mabel (to ribaldry to share). I also remember being asked by someone to remove my false teeth before going to bed....and I don't wear false teeth anymore.
Aunt Mark
ps to be continued by anyone.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 1155
29/07/2015 3:08 am  

How very nice of you. Are you positive you where not having a nightmare when you saw me?
It has been a very long time since I have been in Palm Beach, but rest assured should I come that way you will be easy to locate and you will see me outside your door. I will be the guy in the Gold & Wood's, AX and Gucci's. Some may mistake me for your "easy to provoke" brother (slightly more hair and a silver gray beard).

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 4586
29/07/2015 3:14 am must resemble my younger sister.
Aunt M.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 6456
29/07/2015 3:26 am  

Here I am (logging in for the second time in a week or so) to say: Mark, you can be in my dream, if I can be in your dream . . .
Great to hear from the gang, new and old (I have a feeling cactus will be around for a while. Now where's Olive ?).
Nothing and no one can be all things to everyone. (Shakespeare, or Ben Franklin ? Dorothy Parker ?)
At the moment I'm hooked on the extract of "Hey My Man" that's heard in a California Lottery Scratchers TV spot -- the group is Babes, or Babes in Toyland. Everyone posting on YouTube wants the lyrics, which are nowhere to be found . . .
I'm working on another outdoor bench, which should be photographable in a week or two.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 1155
29/07/2015 3:28 am  

You do make me laugh. There is a new reality show on television with a similar concept. Is there such a thing as trans-aggressive?

Estimable Member Admin
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 91
29/07/2015 12:19 pm  

Thanks for your input. The idea of re-insisting on the rules of the forum in a sticky thread seems interesting. We will work on that.

Estimable Member Admin
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 91
29/07/2015 12:20 pm  

I dreamed we had a statue erected at your effigy (in pink gold) to which Design Addicts from around the world marched to make offerings. Mainly fancy shoes and pants with patterns as varied as elegant (because flowers are perishable as one of our Belgian poets sang). During the night, the offerings disappeared and the next day a series of snappies of the most beautiful effect overloaded the best websites.

Estimable Member Admin
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 91
29/07/2015 12:22 pm  

We have sent the following message to the Swiss police:
Missing person!
Name: Riki
Gender: Forever young lady
Description: Very talented story teller with a strong and delicious sense of humor.
We have strong reason to believe she was kidnapped and replaced by a grumpy clone.
Design Addict's community offers a large reward (100 ID threads) to any person who will help us bring her back.

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