As the term ?cross?, ?hidden fllows? is completely a new term in design. in addition to other fashion design and graphic design, whether it is industrial or architectural design, they both won?t obviously embody recent fashion factors in their works. Of course, it is just my understanding from its literal meaning.
?Hidden flows? is a very interesting concept which, I think, has more than one aspects of ?hidden?.
Like the visual ?hiddent?, which means the hidden of the ?complexity? and the deletion of ?unnecessity?, let?s take the popular extremely simple style in recent years as an example.
Like the functional ?hidden?,which can be understood as the omitting of some unnecessary or inessential menial functions, so as to achieve the purpose of lowering the cost of production, and strengthening its visual pertinence.
Like the interdisciplinary "hidden", which emphasizes on the point that we can expandthe product freely in order to meet different needs in different times, different situations ,or for different users.
Like ?hidden? in consumption, which advocates not only the lifestyle that less is more, but also the attitude of low carbon environmentally friendly life , so as to help us design the future green commodities for consumers.
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