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Herman Miller Noguc...

Herman Miller Noguchi table...  


Famed Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 319
17/10/2006 2:01 am  

I only recently found out that on the Herman Miller Noguchi table, they have placed a 'medallion on the underside of the base; under the medallion, his initials are stamped into the base'.
I have been aware of the signature on the side of the glass top, but this is the first I have read about the medallion on the underside of the base.
Is this a recent development or have they always had this?

Famed Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 319
18/10/2006 11:19 pm  

Reply from Herman Miller....
The reply I received from Herman Miller is-
'The medallion came out the same time as the signature did, in 2002. They were released in combination to promote the authenticity of the table. The medallion is only on one of the legs, and to remain discrete it is on the bottom of the leg so you can't see it unless you have the table taken apart.'
This seems strange since I have only recently become aware of the presence of a medallion.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 472
19/10/2006 11:43 am  

I saw the medallion on a table at Room and board in SF, they had the base upside down. Check out the link and read under the description, it mentions the medallion.

Famed Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 319
19/10/2006 3:41 pm  

Noguchi table...
Thanks for the link. I am curious as to when the medallion was added. I remember when the signature to the glass top was introduced, but I do not remember any mention of a medallion until recently.
I am basically interested because I have a Noguchi table with the signature on the glass top, but it does not have the medallion on the base.


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