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Help With "Green" C...

Help With "Green" Car purchase.  


Big Television Man
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Posts: 388
05/04/2007 12:10 am  

I am contemplating the purchase of a Tango T600 battery powered car or similar. I once saw in So Cal a car that looked like it could have been designed by Dr. Suess that could carry 2 and if I recall it was 3 wheeled and perhaps battery or hybrid. It was not the MB Smart. At the traffic light and pulling away it was both quick and silent. Any suggestions or links. Thanks

Illustrious Member
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05/04/2007 1:54 am  

Mike Corbin up in Gilroy California...
built a car like what you describe: the Sparrow, a three wheeled EV. Corbin made his money in after market motorcycle saddles. He and Tom Corbin decided to build a 3 wheeled commuter vehicle. It reputedly had some bugs. Corbin's Sparrow business went bankrupt. It was sold to someone named Huch, who sold it to someone named Meyers. The car is now made under the Meyers Motors brand. Here's their link. For more info, enter Corbin Sparrow in Wikipedia.

Illustrious Member
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Posts: 431
05/04/2007 2:39 am  

I havent gone green BTM and DC but...
i have worked out that if i was to drive twice as fast i will get to my destination in half the time therefore saving half the previous journeys fuel,is that right or am i missing the point?. Also, more engine braking equals less brake dust so im told and thats got to be cleaner. I cant wait till i get my licence back!.

Illustrious Member
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Posts: 2054
05/04/2007 5:34 am  

Not only should you
get your license back, you also make driving safer because if everybody drives twice as fast they only occupy the road half th previous time so...less cars on the road!

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 431
05/04/2007 6:01 am  

Thats so true Koen, why cant the police see my point?. Also my car is a tiny weeny thing so it takes up less room on the roads,i cant see a plus to that one though?, funny as it seemed the right thing to say.I will be so eco friendly when im driving again.

James Collins
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Posts: 547
05/04/2007 6:08 am  

Modified Toyota Prius
There is a company that resells a modified Toyota Prius. The modification beefs up the batteries and adds support for plugging it in at night to charge the batteries. It's supposed to get 100+ MPG. I do not know the name or web site, just saw it mentioned in a TV bit on electric cars.


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