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Help a Fellow DA!

Help a Fellow DA!  


Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 1874
12/10/2006 1:50 am  

Hi everyone,
This is a silly request but I thought I'd put it out there. I've been a design addict for a while now, and enjoyed the forum here.

I have recently entered my bedroom space into a color-usage competition on Apartment Therapy's webpage. For better or worse I'd love to have people swing by the page, take a look, and let me know what you think. And if you like it - vote for it.

I know its probably not going to be to everyone's taste - but why not! Thanks all!

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 1874
12/10/2006 8:56 am  

Anyone else want to enter?
This is a fun contest, I'd love to see other entries from other Design Addicts here.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2201
12/10/2006 9:24 pm  

I live in a house, not an apartment, is this OK
Hi Lucifer Sum, I like your color usage and that one person was way off in their nasty criticism. I love APT Therapy and am a big fan of Maxwell Gillingham-Ryan. I'd love to enter a couple of shots of my home, but it's a house not an apt. I couldn't see anything that says I can't enter, do you know if I can or not?

whos that?
Eminent Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 37
12/10/2006 11:15 pm  

You can enter any space - they are looking for dramatic use of color. If you click the link under the first photo it will take you to the main page with the contest rules.
I cant wait to see your space. Will you be using your concrete bathtub?

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2201
13/10/2006 12:00 am  

No tub
Nah, the tub's not that colorful. I'll go with another room. But if you want to see my abode there are a few shots here...boy I need to add some new stuff!

Noble Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 267
13/10/2006 1:28 am  

where's grampa?
nice colors, but those rooms really need something old and soulful like a grampa, a beat up, patina rich chair or something. i always include a grampa in a room no matter what my girlfriend says, i think it adds warm butter to a room.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 1874
13/10/2006 5:15 am  

Strange are a strange strange person.
coincidentally, I ordered a grandpa, but it didnt arrive in time to make the photos. I put it in the guestroom for safe keeping.

Illustrious Member
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Posts: 2201
13/10/2006 10:06 pm  

No I think Mario has a good point
Rooms are bwest when they grow and layer orver time. I love that look and I admit to having a bit of trouble making it happen. My instinct is to buy new furniture when I need something. But I have grandpas and grammas in my home and I think they add a lot to the 'home' aspect of a house.

Trusted Member
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Posts: 73
14/10/2006 1:06 am  

a mental stamina ambiance
is what i would say to qualify the colors of your room.
i would personnaly rather go for some himalayan bois flotté atmosphere with some left over furnitures. Nice job you did there.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 1874
14/10/2006 9:09 am  

forgive me - i was confused. For some reason I didnt connect the term "grandpa" to an actual item... I thought you meant a real grandpa...which is why I responded as such.
As a matter of point there are 3 grandpas in my room. None appear in the pictures, but they do enhance the warmth of the room. I have a lovely old oak desk that I make art on, a blue cracked (and repaired) Eames fiberglas rocker, and an Eames DCW that was rescued from the trash. And my house itself is definitely "patina rich". 🙂


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