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Help... Christmas p...

Help... Christmas present for new son!  

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Ark of Decorati...
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25/11/2010 1:34 am  

keep laughing
I am serious. I give Tiffany & Company sterling silver baby an childrens flatware to all my friends. They should all experience the finer things in life.
A donation of condoms to adults in foreign countries would be an appropriate gift to stop the problem before it begins.
Charity begins at home. Let foreign nationals fend for themselves.

Illustrious Member
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25/11/2010 1:42 am  

You lost me there.

Ark of Decorati...
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25/11/2010 2:24 am  

It is okay
I understand. I must be true to what I believe. Happy Thanksgiving to you.

Illustrious Member
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25/11/2010 2:54 am  

Little Henry will be needing a hope chest. I like this one for boys.

Illustrious Member
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25/11/2010 6:08 am  

Just what every young man...
Just what every young man longs for. A set of silverware. Are you serious? Have you ever been around an actual child?
There is nothing phony about teaching a child to be thankful for what they have and simultaneously willing to give it up for someone less fortunate. Teaching them about "the finer things in life" however, is quite phony.
I could give a toss if my son learns the difference between your pretentious silverware and a plastic spork from Taco Bell. But if he learns to be a whole person who has a respectable balance between focusing on himself and others I will be quite happy.
Want to get a little boy something they like? Try Tonka, GI Joes, or Legos. Hell, most little boys would be fine with dead bugs or rocks. Anything else, why not just collect it yourself? Do you think he cares if it's fine or collectable or vintage? Get him something he is allowed to actually enjoy. Unless you just want your cool friends to see how cool of a parent you are. That's something else all together.

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25/11/2010 6:49 am  

The Legacy of the immigrant
Some of the finest designs were produced by immigrants and until I read the offensive comments, dare I say racist, I was unaware that this forum was now being used as a platform for bitter conservatives instead of intelligent conversations about design. If charity begins at home, then I suggest being more charitable to those less fortunate, wherever they happen to reside. Obviously money can't buy taste or a sense of humanity.

Modern Love
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25/11/2010 10:39 am  

unless you are from Belgium, we are all foreign nationals to Design Addict. And Design Addict is sponsored by many foreigners, Patrick and Alix can attest to that.
What an ugly turn this thread has taken. So disappointing.

Arthur Sixpence
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25/11/2010 1:35 pm  

I agree very ugly it is hard not to respond to ridiculous and short sighted comments but this thread was originally posted by a very excited new parent who wanted some simple advice I am certainly not telling people how they should reply to threads but I can only imagine the OP is looking in disbelief at the way this has gone.

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25/11/2010 2:00 pm  

Ark of Decorative Arts
Ark of Decorative Arts
We usually stay neutral and stand back from the discussions in the forum. But this time, we feel the need to say that your remarks are at the extreme opposite of the founding values of Design Addict. We do not want to censor your stances but, personally, we strongly disagree!

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25/11/2010 2:47 pm  

Can of worms...
Well, looks like I've opened a can of worms with my original post!
Anyway, I've made a decision...
1) Donation to a charity (A great idea. I plan to sponsor a child).
2) Some Lego (My favourite toy as a child... and we can spend some quality time playing with it together).
As for starting a collection, I'll stick to collecting for myself. Just need to complete my Arne Jacobsen flatwear collection... a whole new debate in itself...
Take care all!

Arthur Sixpence
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25/11/2010 3:34 pm  

Lego is a great choice perfect for a budding architect and still useful when they leave home...

Illustrious Member
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25/11/2010 6:02 pm  

In defense of Ark,
this thread veered off-topic with the initial suggestions about charitable donations. I see this as little more than religious sermonizing (in a forum about design).
If you consider altruism your moral duty, fine. People support charities for all kinds of reasons-- rational or irrational, honest or dishonest, good or evil.
Your perceived moral duty ain't necessarily mine.
(Gershwin said it best: "De things dat yo' liable to read in de Bible-- it ain't necessarily so.")

Ark of Decorati...
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25/11/2010 7:27 pm  

I apologize
william-holden-caulfield (FREEDONIA),
Thank you for the reminder that this was about gifts, of which I posted my gifts for this year and suggested Tiffany & Company silverware as a yearly gift (no different that Matchbox) in keeping with the original posting of a gift that could be given every year.
I see nothing wrong with tribalism, but I apologize to all those sensitive individuals that I offended when the topic turned to charity.

Arthur Sixpence
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25/11/2010 9:48 pm  

Just out of interest which country are you in?
Also, The pratice of individuals who haunt forums aware that people are passionate about a certain subject and baiting them is an old one and frankly boring I am sure you have better things to do but quite frankly old boy it shows a lack of class at best and at worst a callous streak.
You took the first swing in mocking one persons suggestion, which I agree has nothing to do with design, and ended with an apology which was sarcastic at best.
Now this whole nasty episode has left a terrible taste in my mouth I am going out for a turn about the garden and hope to clear the fog.

Sound & Design
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26/11/2010 2:31 am  

I don't have any children. ...
I don't have any children. If I did, I wouldn't be searching for toys, more like mobiles, pacifiers or infant friendly psychedelic light shows. One thing does come to mind that I came across in the recent DWR catalog. Wood blocks called Playshapes. Age old fun for kids and adults alike. Oh yeah, another would be David Weeks wood animals.

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