Hello from here!
SDR and I were hoping that all of you would be willing to help choose the perfect holiday sweater for SDR to wear to the Design Addict Annual Holiday Party 2016. So many have you have RSVD's, my god! Anyhow. this is the look that we are after (pictured). We know that you are all quite busy this time of year... so any kind advice would be welcome. The picture looks vintage, but was actually taken of SDR last year (2015).
Thank you in advance and god bless wool,
Aunt Mark
ps. I'm usually wrong.
Thanks wc!
Yeah, I do like a good old fashion reindeer sweater...always a conversation starter. You can even buy the kit to make your own (at home)! The sweet sweater pictured actually is on loan to SDR from leif, (as shown).
Bless sheep and sharp shears, and you, and hi,
Aunt Mark
ps reindeer sweaters are one of the only sartorial choices that can be accompanied by a pair of clean socks and proper fitting flip-flops. Sort of a "reindeer toe" look. Try it!
Happy Holidays to all
I enjoy the topics. I enjoy the back and forth. I enjoy the substantial knowledge. I enjoy the FINDS. I enjoy the overall politeness (our only house rule (and we have a soon to be teenager) BE POLITE).
2016 was not optimal for STUFF outside of this community. Let's hope for many things to be hopeful for. I hope.
If you need any help, please contact us at – info@designaddict.com