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Hans Olsen Dining S...

Hans Olsen Dining Set for Frem Rojle Danish  


Trusted Member
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Posts: 44
15/09/2011 1:03 am  

Does anyone know if this set was remade or is in contemporary production? I have a unfinished maple set with 2 removable leafs. The 3 leg chair bottoms are also blocked in the corners as opposed to having the glued and stapled bottom plate (no screws). thanks. Also, included with the set was an original from FREM so the differences are visible. It is very cool anyway

Illustrious Member
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15/09/2011 2:07 am  

It's been a while since I have had a 3 legged version of this set but that image of the chair underside looks distinctly fishy.
The construction looks weird.
On top of this, every set I have seen has been branded by Frem Rojle and I have never seen an example produced in this timber.
Either it is a very unusual Frem Rojle set or it is a copy.
Edit: I've just noticed that you mention it has additional leaves. All the extendable Frem Rojle sets I have seen have had integral butterfly leaves.

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15/09/2011 2:15 am  

American Copy
I am pretty sure this is an american copy. I have had a couple chairs that are identical. If I recall correctly they lack the craftsmanship and fine detail of the original.

Illustrious Member
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Posts: 642
15/09/2011 5:53 am  

wenger is right
Its a vintage reproduction. I have had a few of these Vintage copies, all were Walnut. They are still pretty nice. Mine had furniture labels on the bottom I think from OHIO. One set was stamped "Yugoslavia" and had the American furniture label on it so figure they imported them and sold through their stores.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 642
15/09/2011 7:20 am  

here is a chair with a
label that someone has on ebay.


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