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HELP !! Loftonline....

HELP !!, Robin Day club sofa problem  

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14/11/2006 6:02 pm  

Purchased the iconic Robin Day sofa and chairs from Steve Cockram of Loft International of leeds.But delivered damaged with broken back, due I suspect to it's cheap chipboard and tacks construction and the fact it was carried up six flights of stairs to my apartment.On initial inspection the damage does not show, but the fact is the back cushion panel,(chipboard) of the sofa detaches completely. Amazingly this back chipboard panel of the sofa is secured to the chipboard base soley by two tiny angle blocks,one at each coner,4 tiny tacks on each and a blob of glue.Hardly adequate and nothingelse holds the two together.Consequently any light pressure to the back cushion panel,which extends some 6 inches above the main body of the sofa can cause it to break of completely. An incredible design/ manufacuring flaw I feel, potentially downright dangerous and something I know others have come across.As if this wasn't enough, it later transpired various of the cushions collapsed even after light use and buttons flew off with their retaining strings disappearing into the body of the sofa.Not what I expected having paid £4000.00,and now all I want is my money back so that I can buy elseware.If anyone can advise or help I would appreciate their getting in touch, as am finding Steve the managing director incredibly obsternate and unhelpful

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14/11/2006 6:49 pm  

A waste of time
After over 5000 readings on your original post when you were thinking of getting this sofa, and everyone's "valuable" opinion, look what you end up with. What a waste of time and energy these blogs are.

Robert Leach
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14/11/2006 7:16 pm  

I'd like to be
I'd like to be more helpful than the sanctmonious and inaccurate post above, but you have already said you are making a claim through the Small Claims Court on another thread.
So, I assume you have, therefore, taken legal advice, and contacted Trading Standards ?

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14/11/2006 8:08 pm  

HELP !!, Robin Day club sofa problem
Conscientiousconsumer wants to get his facts right.THIS is my original thread. The one you refer to is not mine, i only joined it after 5000 or so previous readings by OTHER people.Have I taken legal advice, well no,(do you know what it costs) Well I do, when I confronted Loft, Steves reaction was to scuttle of to his solicitors,Godloves, after all they are so convenient being right next door.So much easier than having to bother with customer service.And guess what, Loft's solicitor Godloves, kindly sends Steves legal bill to me.!£290.00 per hour, that's what Steve is paying.Deep pockets this geezer.So that's why I haven't taken on a solicitor, I don't have that kind of funds. Anyway, the product is so clearly rubbish, (now that I can see right into it,ho ho) anyone with half a brain would agree a refund is in order. Why Steve trys to defend the undefendable beggers belief. And yes I spoke to Trading Standards, and yes they said "under the Sale of Goods Act 1979,if the goods are not free from minor defect, you are entitled to reject them." Minor, my problems weren't minor, they were bl**dy major, the sofa was falling apart.Trading Standards confirmed my rejection rights, then went on to say they could not compell Loft or Steve to comply and that I had no other option but to take my claim to court. This I have done, representing myself.

Robert Leach
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14/11/2006 9:41 pm  

Good Luck
Good luck with that, Geoff

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14/11/2006 10:14 pm  

Very interesting..
Sounds like a right piece of quality craftsmanship! I hope the court recognises you are entitled to that refund. I was thinking of buying one of these but coming across these comments I have just thought twice. What great customer service! Thank God for the internet!

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14/11/2006 10:15 pm  

Yes good luck with that...
Yes good luck with that Geoff it could be any of us!

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15/11/2006 2:20 pm  

loft international complaint.Robin Day club sofa and chairs
I hope luck has nothing to do with it. It's just a little bit of justice I'm after.Let's hope the judge sees sense when it gets to court, Im sure he will.Still can't believe Loft have made this necessary.I mean £4k for a sofa and chairs made out of chipboard held together with a few small tacks and a blob of glue, and put together in this manner, it's a complete rip off.

Robert Leach
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15/11/2006 2:26 pm  

I Wonder .........
who gave them the licence to manufacture the product in this way? can, in no way, relate to the original manufacturing method - I've got a Robin day Hille sofa..and it's a sturdy beast !
For that sort of money, you'd at least expect a hardwood frame and a few screws!!!
I know he's an old man, but I wonder what Robin Day might think of all this ?

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15/11/2006 3:36 pm  

loft. robin day sofa coplaint.
I understand it is made for Loft by Craft Upholstery of Halifax. And yes I suspect some corners have been cut! Like you say, at this price you would expect a bit of hardword, but not a bit of it.The complete base and back panel are nothingmore than cheap low density chipboard.I can send you some excellent close up pictures if you wish? After all seeing is believing. Poor old Sir Robin Day, if he knew what Loft are doing to his name it might finish off.

Robert Leach
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15/11/2006 4:21 pm  

An honour indeed.......
He'll no doubt be pleased with his new knighthood you have bestowed on him ;o)
That honour belongs to the other Robin Day, the deceased broadcaster.

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15/11/2006 5:04 pm  

oops , wrong Robin
Well he certainly won't win any awards with quality like this

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18/11/2006 3:54 am  

Claim number 6LS03448 Leeds County Court of 16.11.06. Judge rules against Loft international Ltd, represented by Mr Steve Cockram Managing Director.After 18 months of grief from Loft re supply of Robin Day sofa and chairs, Court instructs Loft to refund FULL PURCHASE PRICE PLUS COSTS.So be warned, if you have a dispute/complaint with this company, then be prepared for the long haul.Be aware the iconic Robin Day club sofa supplied by Loft IS MADE LARGELY OF CHEAP CHIPBOARD,(SOFA BASE AND BACK CUSHION PANELS)AND IT BREAKS VERY EASILY. THREE EXPERT WITNESSES AND ONE COUNTY COURT JUDGE CANNOT BE WRONG!

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21/11/2006 1:59 am  

What goes into a Loft sofa - a lot of chipboard and some very small staples
For the inside picture click on the link

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21/11/2006 6:41 am  

That really does bite
A friend and I went to Georgetown to window-shop at some high-end furniture stores. While I loved the look of the furniture at Ligne Roset, a lot of the items there didn't seem particularly well made. The wall unit shelves were scratched up. The drawers on storage units were made of simple butt joints. The leather on their chairs was paper thin. I would have thought that one would also get quality-built furniture at those high prices. I guess what you're paying more for is the "design."
Very disappointing.

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