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Guys... What do ya ...

Guys... What do ya think about Marc Newson??  

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Noble Member
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Posts: 226
18/04/2007 2:09 am  

For many buyers it is a new...
For many buyers it is a new perspective. From a survey it has
come out that many people are concerned about what is in the food,
but not many are concerned about the materials of which furniture is made of.

James Collins
Illustrious Member
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Posts: 547
18/04/2007 4:44 am  

Throwing a wrench
What about the carbon emissions produced by all the machinery necessary to get the marble out of the ground, cut and polish it and transport it to it's intended place of use?

Illustrious Member
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18/04/2007 9:50 am  

Nothing like Koen honing in on a subject...
"Healthy, tasty and a joy to look at."--Koen
Okay, I can stop posting now; that's the distillation of design I've been searching for since I got here.
Drat! Not only is he a masterful designer, but he has become elegant in English. I absolutely refuse to engage him in basketball. In two years or less, he would better me in that, TOO!!

Estimable Member
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18/04/2007 1:49 pm  

I would like his work if it was very cheap and temporary, like IKEA, I think. Kind of like an Alessi furniture thingie, a mild inexpensive prozac of sorts. I think it was so, was not at all so, and is about to be, again, despite the hucksters. Moving on.

Noble Member
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18/04/2007 4:17 pm  

James that is nothing...
James that is nothing compared to the toxic emissions due to the production of most materials used in industrial design.

Noble Member
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18/04/2007 4:21 pm  

... and the carbon emissions...
... and the carbon emissions dont go on the shelf, do they?

Illustrious Member
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18/04/2007 5:09 pm  

of course James really knows that Marc the Nuisnce sits in his Pod office (Poffice?) staring into a black hole and using telepathy he simply "wills" his creation that is the Carrara storage to appear from the earth and to be fashioned by the angels,then it will just appear in punters homes ( via galleries of course), but of course even angels use diesel vans to get it to its destination sometimes.

Noble Member
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19/04/2007 3:47 pm  

James, you say Marc looks...
James, you say Marc looks like a manatee?
He doesn't look like it at all. He is totally beautiful.

Illustrious Member
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19/04/2007 5:00 pm  

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. To me Marc is too boyish and not a masculine enough ,but i quite like the look of a Manatee (what the hell is that in the pic. by the way?!), and he is way too vain to be attractive in my blurry eyes.Give me a man with stubble and middle age spread any day.

Illustrious Member
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19/04/2007 6:13 pm  

Stubble 'n spread
I'll be right over.

James Collins
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19/04/2007 10:04 pm  

I did not
mean Marc looked like a manatee, it was a reference to the popular US TV show 'South Park' and the episode where manatees "designed" new programming for a fictitious TV network. They created premises for new shows by selecting three random ping pong balls each printed with one word, a noun, a verb or an adjective.

It was a very funny episode commenting on the lack of real creative talent that goes into making popular television. I was in turn comenting on what I believe is Marc's lack of genuine talent at his "new" versions of everyday objects. I think he just has a good publiscist.

Illustrious Member
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Posts: 431
19/04/2007 10:18 pm  

James you wag!..
stop trying to wriggle out of it, ha ha, Marc "The Manatee" Nuisance ? do you think weve given him an inferiority complex? like hes really bothered, good tag. Geo.H..."Stubble & Spread" sounds like a law firm, doors open honey.

Noble Member
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19/04/2007 10:50 pm  

I don't mind stubbles, but...
I don't mind stubbles, but they have to have a shape. I haven't got anything
against strong mature men, but I also like teen boys. I can do both roles. But,
maybe, thinking about it, I think I have to be the strong one in the couple.

Noble Member
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Posts: 226
19/04/2007 11:38 pm  

About "... the lack of real creative talent that goes into making popular television."
Jumping from a subject to another... many people have quitted watching tv. Me and my parents have quitted too.
My parents also think that tv is offensive.

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