Design Addict


George Nelson steel...

George Nelson steelframe desk  


karin koller webb
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Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 157
12/01/2013 7:57 pm  

I recently purchased the three drawer desk at our local thrift store and had considered cleaning it up a bit until my spouse suggested I embrace it 'as is'. I do love a project so I may still cave in and sandblast the frame and have new powder coat done and redo the laminate. Mine has the unpainted drawers so I'd have to ponder that one for a bit. To paint, or not to paint? A high five to everyone who chimes in with info on the Steelframe series. I'm inspired!!

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Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 140
12/01/2013 9:24 pm  

If you plan on selling it in ...
If you plan on selling it in the future as a collectible, keep it as-is. If you appreciate it for it's aesthetics and it's a piece you're going to use and keep for a long time, I say refinish it to your satisfaction.


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