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George Nelson Strin...

George Nelson String Clock  


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Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 334
20/12/2009 10:00 am  

So here is my 40 find. Nelson String Clock without the string. Has anyone attempted re-stringing one of these clocks. I look forward for the details and any knowledge about opening one of these without damaging it. In solidarity

I Clock
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Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 66
20/12/2009 12:57 pm  

I have never restrung one myself, but...
the String clock should 8 lines of string coming back off the end of each arm and going back to the body of the clock ( 4 lines of string that come from the body/face of the clock and loop around the end of the arm and go back to the body/face). If the 12 metal arms and the hands of the clock are black, then you want white string. The other variation was white metal arms and hands with black string. Over the years I have seen far more white string ones than black. The body/face of the clock is composed of two pieces of wood and sandwiched between these two pieces should be a flat metal ring with notches on its edge. Looks kind of like a gear. This is to help line up the string and keep it in place. I think you should just be able to unscrew the clock and restring it and screw it back together. I have one like yours and I believe it was restrung at one time. A lot I have seen have been restrung because the original string got broke or very stretched out of shape. I think the original string had a plastic coat on it. The string in mine looks to be sort of wax coated. Email me:, and I will send you some good pictures of how the strings are strung. Sorry haven't figured out how to post pics on here yet.


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