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George Nakashima su...

George Nakashima sucks  

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Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 4586
08/04/2008 2:18 am  

Remind me to send Paulanna...
Remind me to send Paulanna flowers and a bottle of single malt!

Noble Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 267
08/04/2008 2:43 am  

Pandering and Getting around this forum.......
wow, i had no idea i was doing those things.
i truely had no ambitions in those directions...i promise.
tea party membership was mainly directed toward Paulianna and her penned boredom. but if you or others wish to join the tea party, you are within your rights, without objection.
this thread albeit sophomoric is actualy a good one...i think......stephen's humorus point of view may not be insightful but it is provocative......and funny. don't you think in some measure?
anyway, what about george's work for hans knoll? anyone?

Illustrious Member
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Posts: 2967
08/04/2008 4:23 am  

i think this thread ...
i think this thread needs to Die on the Vine
enough already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Noble Member
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Posts: 279
08/04/2008 5:54 am  

Paulanna's history
I hardly think Paulanna's coffee table tome on the history of Bath's Beautiful Doorways constitutes a serious work, but there you go and good luck to her that the American market seems to like it. I also wonder about the prequel - a short history of Bath's Fancy Brass Doorknockers. Hardly scintillating stuff.
But to refer to the Commonwealth Writer's Prize as parochial is simply cruel. Only 9 novels in the entire Commonwealth were chosen Paulanna...NINE.
Speaking of the Commonwealth, how's the old empire holding up these days now that London has become West Pakistan? Serves you all right for raping and pillaging every other poor bugger's country for centuries. Now there's a history book you should write - Bastard Britain.

Illustrious Member
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08/04/2008 8:39 am  

Wow the Aussie is ...
Wow the Aussie is getting hot!!!!!!!
, some of Us kids in the new colony feel your pain but we Now love our long lost cousins the Brits, you know we had a little problem back in the 18th century with those folks , but we have got that all straighten out now and we are kissing cousins all over again,
Good folks they have given us a hand when we needed it and we have given them two hands, when they were threaten by the Evil access.

Noble Member
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Posts: 229
08/04/2008 7:24 pm  

We hoped not to have to intervene and see this thread slowly die. As it is not the case, we would just like to say this.
Stephen, if, as a journalist, you proposed to one of your employers, texts of the same kind as the ones you are imposing to us here, they would directly throw them in the paper bin. So, please stop considering Design Addict like a trash! Thanks.
To return to Nakashima, we have much regard for the work of this great craftman. The excessive valorization by the market of his work, does not withdraw anything to the excellence of his work.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 696
08/04/2008 11:47 pm  

Sure lets draw a line under...
Sure lets draw a line under this - but before we all toddle off perhaps Stephen could be invited to explain what he means by this sentence:
"Speaking of the Commonwealth, how's the old empire holding up these days now that London has become West Pakistan? Serves you all right for raping and pillaging every other poor bugger's country for centuries"
I can only take this to mean Stephen thinks London's Asian community are an unwelcome presence and that their existence is in some way a punishment on Britain?
There's a very ugly word that describes a statement like this.

Illustrious Member
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Posts: 2967
09/04/2008 3:44 am  

it is ok Paulan..........
it is ok Paulanne....... let it go.
we here in the United States of America, get bashed every day about something, We have thick skin rightly deserved a lot of the time about our President, to the national night mare of life and times in Iraq. but at the end of the day it is still the best place on earth , hoooooooooooory for the Red white and Blue
and the freedoms that we have,
God Bless America.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago
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09/04/2008 5:14 am  

No, God bless us all.
No, God bless us all.

Noble Member
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Posts: 279
09/04/2008 6:10 am  

That's right Paulanna
From what I've seen and heard anecdotally, London's Asian community don't feel very welcome at all. My wife's mother's boyfriend once put his thumbs beneath his braces and and proclaimed, "I'm British and proud of it. Britain is for the white man." That kind of thinking seems pretty ingrained with you mob. My point of course was that you don't seem to see the irony that Britain spent most of the 18th century invading nation after nation and trading in slaves. Yet when some of these people from the countries the British invaded come to live in Britain, you (collectively) don't approve. What's good for the goose is good for the gander i say.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2967
09/04/2008 6:18 am  

I think they eat ...
I think they eat to much blood Putin!!!
sorry to say i don't know much about the Aussies
from down under, all that i have met have always been lovely. and the Brits that I have always met have been very nice,
Nice people from all over the world, hard to put a finger on one group and not another.

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