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Generic Danish chai...

Generic Danish chairs I think, but are they rosewood?  


Illustrious Member
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07/06/2016 1:06 am  

I'm pretty sure these are just generic Danish mid century dining chairs, I can't find anything like them though I've been looking for weeks. I've given up on identifying them at this stage, though if anyone here knows I would be overjoyed to find out! What I'm trying to figure out now though is if they are rosewood or not. I had thought mahogany but now I'm leaning towards rosewood. Could any wood experts weigh in?
<img class="wpforo-default-imag

leif ericson - Zephyr Renner
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07/06/2016 2:35 am  

How about a nice sharp closeup of the grain?

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07/06/2016 2:42 am  

Hi Leif! I don't have them so I can't add anything more, but here's a close up of the wood from the pictures I do have! I'm in negotiations with the seller, he wants a bit more than I can afford, especially as I can't find any info on them. What do you think? Any ideas on them?

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07/06/2016 6:49 am  

Did Komfort do chairs? They used that odd wrap around join alot.
EDIT - not that I can find

leif ericson - Zephyr Renner
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07/06/2016 7:43 am  

The curved structural members remind me of what Glostrup Møbelfabrik did too. I think it is probably not Glostrup though. But I can tell you what Komfort and Glostrup had in common: late 60s.
I can't explain the red cast to the wood unless they have been diy stained, or the color is way off in the photos.

Illustrious Member
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07/06/2016 6:33 pm  

Thanks waffle and Leif, I thought Komfort too for a while but research brought up nothing. The reddish tone made me wonder if they were mahogany but the grain looks more similar to rosewood. Stumped! I'm holding off on purchasing them for now, too many questions for the price they're at!

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08/06/2016 1:53 am  

Found them!! Yay!! They're Skovby, I found a labelled version online. The seller sent another picture and indeed the reddish tone was bad lighting. However I bought a different set of what I think are Willy Beck/Madsen and Larsen set of rosewood chairs instead, much nicer look about them, what do you think? I'm not sure of their attribution but once they arrive I can investigate further! 

Illustrious Member
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08/06/2016 6:37 am  

Close in appearance, but I don't think so. The chair design you're thinking of has a slightly convex top and bottom to the backrest. Yours appear to have a concave top and bottom. The seat rail shapes also look a little different.

Illustrious Member
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08/06/2016 10:58 am  

I see, well I guess I'll have to wait til I get them, I paid more than I usually would, I thought the rosewood looked beautiful against the Royal blue. They seem a bit too beautiful to be generic, but if they are, oh well! I solved one mystery at least!

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08/06/2016 3:47 pm  

I think I found them, attributed to Aksel Bender Madsen only! Found them on a few different sites with the same attribution.

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08/06/2016 6:53 pm  

That attribution may indeed be correct. I just poked around, and as you noted, there are a few examples of this chair online. None of the listings I saw claimed to have any markings on the chairs, and none claimed that they were made by Willy Beck.
I could see ABM (and/or Larsen as well) doing a variation of the Willy Beck design with a furniture factory, much the same way Arne Vodder did a few variations of the floating seat/swivel back design with different manufacturers.
It would be nice to see some type of legit documentation to back this up (un-referenced sales listings do not qualify as such).
One approach might be to track down each manufacturer that both ABM and EL are documented to have worked with, then do separate dining chair search for those manufacturers. Maybe a marked chair, or old catalog/ad for that manufacturer pops up which did not pop up for a prior designer search.
Post some more detailed photos once you get the chairs.

Illustrious Member
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08/06/2016 7:04 pm  

Thanks Cdsilva, that's definitely a great way to go, I wouldn't have thought of linking with manufacturers. They won't arrive for another couple of weeks, but glad I went for these rather than the skovby ones. I really want to find a marked version and will be checking under the webbing of the chairs when they arrive!


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