Design Addict




Tom Ado
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Joined: 14 years ago
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30/08/2011 4:59 pm  


Tom Ado
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30/08/2011 5:02 pm  


Illustrious Member
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30/08/2011 5:17 pm  

Hello Tom, I can't see your p...
Hello Tom, I can't see your pictures but am pretty sure I remember the post you're talking about. As the maker of a few prototypes of my own and for others I can suggest a few explanations. Often manufacturers use whatever is on hand to test the method (the production routine, when you do what and how) and find the most efficient way of doing things or the skills of the employees they might have on hand, 1/2 inch rod can substitute for 1/4 inch...its not that relevant. Sometimes a manufacturer might be owed a favour by someone else and they'll do the work and things can go wrong.
If its in house a batch of 50 table frames isn't that big a deal, The last place I was at made 300 stove enameled table bases the wrong colour and size cos the paperwork wasn't read properly, In your case quite possibly the boss or designer was on holiday or wasn't on hand or just gave a rough sketch and second in charge thought "this will do". The very sensitive nature required to do things just the right way isn't always shared between designer and manufacturer.
I could go on but I hope you get the idea, the actual production of furniture isn't as controlled and refined as many might think.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 984
30/08/2011 7:58 pm  

Prototype usually means 'one'. The other 49 tables are the production
run from that single prototype. (just guessing)
The prototype can be fussed with and many variations may exist until
the process is worked out. Usually involves a design that is first worked
out on paper, proportions considered, ...just someones own idea and
vision. Unfortunately cost, materials and the manufacturing, plays a
big part.
Sometimes just a few are produced...or 10, 50, 500.
The initial investment can be expensive and if it doesn't sell well, because
of bad exposure/marketing, or maybe just priced too high, production stops.
That can sometimes be a good thing. So few made it becomes desirable.
That value is determined by what someone is willing to pay.
Are you just guessing at the number 50 or was it published somewhere?
That is often added to the 'hype'. "Only fifty were ever produced..."
Odd table. I do like it but something about it makes me uncomfortable.
The finish may be a powdercoat.

Tom Ado
Famed Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 329
30/08/2011 8:40 pm  


Tom Ado
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Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 329
30/08/2011 9:02 pm  



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