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Illustrious Member
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08/11/2007 7:12 pm  

I have met some colorful...
I have met some colorful Jews
How about colorful catholics
How about colorful Baptist
How about colorful muslin's
How about colorful Presbyterians
How about colorful Methodist
How about colorful Scientology
Once again being Jewish is a Religion Do we say that guy is really colorful he is a Baptist
Not really and no offense to the baptist
but being Jewish is not a Race,
Black is a race, White is a Race, Asian, is a race and so forth and so on,

Modern Love
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08/11/2007 7:22 pm  

Ok, wait a sec...
Personally, I haven't participated in this thread because I don't wish to make a comment that is not informed. I am neither gay, nor Jewish, so I don't think I am able, nor do I think it is appropriate for me, to make comment regarding the attributes of people belonging to a religion or sexual orientation that I am not part of.
Perhaps the limited participation in this thread could be because others are feeling the same way.
I don't think anyone is trying to dismiss/kill it.

Modern Love
Illustrious Member
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08/11/2007 7:38 pm  

Wait I was wrong
I think barrympls (who is both gay and a Jew) was dismissing/killing it, sorry.

azurechicken (USA)
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08/11/2007 9:49 pm  

Yes, it is sorta like erasing yourself...

Illustrious Member
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09/11/2007 2:00 am  

Yes, it is sorta like erasing...
Yes, it is sorta like erasing yourself..
I hope i am not misinterpreting this one Mr. Chicken, but if it is directed to Barry who claims to be both Jewish and Gay
that would be somewhat offensive, to say you are sorta eraseing yourself
Just cause he is Gay and Jewish he does not have to be a noted author on the situation,
He is the one who told us he is Gay and Jewish so that is enough, I tell people i am Jewish and proud of it,
I like to read articles and write articles on the plight of the Jewish people, the movie the Rape of Europa did move me, with not trying to be offensive to Barry, I do not know why he choice to make the comment that I am Jew and Gay, other than he felt that he wanted to to add to the thread of the destruction of Germany,
I think what got me was He of all people sorta dismissed the movie as of no interest to the DA community and that is his right,
From what i am gathering from Beloved some are afraid to make comment cause they are afraid it will offend one , who is either Jewish or Gay,
Koen weighted in with his opinion, and lowered the boom on Azure Chicken for bringing up the topic that was touched on at great length several years ago
(i was not a part of this forum several years ago) but if Azurechicken did author it several years ago I would love to know why he did feel the need to re introduce to the DA forum at this time,

Illustrious Member
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09/11/2007 2:06 am  

It would be nice if Alix removes this thread
OK Ok Ok Ok
This hardly has anything to do with Design or being an Addict, so I can only hope that either people will leave it there (doubt it) or Alix kills this stupid thread.

Illustrious Member
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09/11/2007 2:18 am  

I hope Alix does not kill this thread
It is ok to kill threads that are in bad taste or
have some form of pornography but I as a Jewish person want to know ones opinion good bad or indifferent the thread states GAYS ,JEWS and MODERN DESIGN:UNCOMMON SYNERGY ? I want to know if this is a true statement or a incorrect statement and I have not read the answer yet,
I don't think any one on this forum has any intention of being malicious rude or offensive to Me, Barry or any other person who is Gay, Jewish or whatever Sexual orientation, or religion, the are.
I think i am right on this one.......
I think every thing relates to Design

azurechicken (USA)
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09/11/2007 3:27 am  

Obviously,some of us are not big fans of Voltaire.I think being called an extremely insecure,stupid & silly , navel gazing coyote,I would be the one screaching...kill this thread!

Illustrious Member
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09/11/2007 4:06 am  

François-Marie Arouet (21 November 1694 ? 30 May 1778), better known by the pen name Voltaire, was a French Enlightenment writer, essayist, deist and philosopher known for his wit, philosophical sport, and defense of civil liberties, including freedom of religion and the right to a fair trial. He was an outspoken supporter of social reform despite strict censorship laws and harsh penalties for those who broke them. A satirical polemicist, he frequently made use of his works to criticize Christian Church dogma and the French institutions of his day.
Not a bad person to emulate azurechicken

Illustrious Member
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09/11/2007 5:45 am  

It was not...
my intention to lower the boom on this discussion. My comment was in response to our feathered friend's interpretation on why so few people were participating. My answer is still that some of us have said what they had to say and for anyone's benefit the first part of that discussion should be included.
I for one pointed out at the time that there might be historical reasons and I made the analogy with the known pre-war propaganda, popular on both sides of the atlantic, that "...Jews have got their claws on every single bank and financial institution..." Although a statistical analysis might have confirmed an unusual high percentage of Jewish bankers, the historical context is that Jews were banned from liberal professions around the same time that christians were not allowed to charge interest for loans to others. When lending money became unpopular because of it, the jewish community filled the "hole in the market" and many became bankers. I raised the possibility that more and other historical events might have influenced these statistical proportions but I am still not clear on the fact that the original statement is right. Anyway...I was not going to participate....

Illustrious Member
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09/11/2007 6:43 am  

Anyway...I was not going to p...
Anyway...I was not going to participate.... but you did
and I am glad you did,
no secrete that Hitler the Asshole hated the Rothschild's and their banking practices
someone had to finance the Industrial Revolution might as well have been a couple good old Jewish Boys from Europe.
Hitlers hatred for them just sent him over the edge as he could not understand why this one family should be so rich, powerful,educated,and successful, and control such a empire, his original goal as chancellor was to bust up the House of Rothschild he just could not succeed as they were financing to many ventures around Europe and to many companies in Germany. The rest was his madness toward Jews and other groups who were not pure Aryan

Illustrious Member
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09/11/2007 6:47 am  

christians were not allowed ...
christians were not allowed to charge interest for loans to others.
a little rusty on this one but did not the Moslums adopt this one also sorry to be dumb but i am out of the loop on this one,

vintage damage
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09/11/2007 9:13 am  

That's a coyote dressed like a chicken.
Was a reference to the common practice, by many Native American cultures and new age groups, to use the coyote as one who makes mischief to bring enlightenment. For those who didn't recognize as much, why would a coyote dress like a chicken? to sneak in to the coop and make feathers fly. It's also a reference to the clich'e "fox in the hen house." Azure Chicken referenced coyote as an insult.
I dropped out,for a while, out of frustration, when LRF completely by-passed the rest of my "colorful Jew" reference. I do admire LRF for facilitating what seems to be a dificult thread to face.
Take a look at the views count on your way back in, this is something of a record breaker. Anyway, I hope that sets things straight. Please "measure twice and cut once."

azurechicken (USA)
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09/11/2007 9:34 am  

I know your tone was not insulting.Really a rather amusing image,coyote suited my retort...

Illustrious Member
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09/11/2007 10:48 am  

I think its been a good thread, it would be great if we had a historian or anthropolgist to comment but we don't.
I sat back to see what would transpire and I think if nothing else its been civilised and has hopefully got people thinking about design in our culture in a broader sense and got people thinking less about the dilema of panties matching matching rugs...roflmao on that one!
Theres a turn-around of readers and posters on here and yes it might have been covered in the past but that doesn't mean it can't help prod the mind of a 20 year old whose design vocabualry is limited to 'Eames' + 'Mies'
I think there is trepidation in some pople who don't feel like what they would have to say is authentic, I say non-sense! All our freedoms depend on everyone speaking up, with respect and without fear, when we stop doing it we are easy targets.

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