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Illustrious Member
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06/11/2007 6:14 am  

that is kinda what i hope you meant to a degree...
but when i see the word uncommon, i see the word different, not like every thing else, or not a like.
not the word Remarkable

vintage damage
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06/11/2007 8:39 am  

LRF You're clearly an important and valued member of this community. I have enjoyed your contributions but you just "shot wild" and caught many of use in your spray.
Maybe think about what a minorah that looks like it was made while one was hiding in a basement, means. -Hellouise

Illustrious Member
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06/11/2007 5:06 pm  

I am sorry I don't know ...
I am sorry I don't know if you are chewing out my ASS
or praising me??? and thanks for saying
You're clearly an important and valued member of this community
Maybe think about what a minorah that looks like it was made while one was hiding in a basement, means. -Hellouise
Is this directed at me ? and what is Hellouise mean is that your name ?

vintage damage
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06/11/2007 8:33 pm  

No sarcasm in the body of...
No sarcasm in the body of the post. The god title was a suggestion that your god was trying to tell us all to remember that any of us can find our selves short of resources. The premise that there is a god and that he was sending a message by way of the menorah, was pure sarcasm (too much god talk). I was hoping to point out your folly in rejecting those of us who can't, or even choose not to, buy our design ready to use. "hints from Hellouise." I pre-signed as Hellouise to illustrate that I'm one of the recent how-to posters. Out of respect for the forum, and boredom, I won't touch the anti wasp comment. Seriously , I may be overly frank but I didn't intend a personal attack. Btw we are very visual here. Is the chewing of asses stuff necessary .

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
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06/11/2007 9:04 pm  

I have been on this for...
I have been on this forum for a year now and these folks for some reason use to be a real hostile crew.. they have gotten better, lately cause i think the old stink pots have gone somwhere else,
if you would get one fact wrong they were there with the fly swatter.
I am the first to ask questions on how to do
so i did not mean to offend. I was just referring to the Chickens quote about people not weighing in on important subjects and more interested in the home repair aspect more

azurechicken (USA)
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07/11/2007 5:52 pm  

little interest the average DAer has is in this interesting thread(compared to such thread types:should my underpants match my rug)...thanks to the responders for not being average...

Illustrious Member
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08/11/2007 4:13 am  

i could not agree with you more kinda sad that furniture takes place more than any interesting and meaningful topics that people propose, No one loves furniture and objects from the mid century more than Me, but i sure like to know what was happening at that time that made these talented designers and others create such wonderful things,

Illustrious Member
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08/11/2007 4:54 am  

whatever it was it was probably not a matter of gender identity or religious affiliation. I'm sorry, but when the chicken asks if the world revolves around eggs I yawn and look for something to read. I just don't get it. Is it a kind of navel-gazing, or extreme insecurity ?
Even if the matter of self-interest is ignored, the question remains "what do sex and faith have to do with artistic talent" is still there. To me, those are about the last things one would associate with aesthetic function, right down there with wardrobe or diet.
I suppose, if one found no influence from heredity, education, environment or the intangible and unknowable that we call "genius," then one would start to look under a rock for something, anything, to explain the tendency for design and skill -- but that hasn't happened yet, has it ?
The last time this issue was raised here, the subject was restricted to gender identity. So the addition of religion -- which in my opinion is a self-inflicted limitation, a "tax you don't have to pay" (like the state lottery, or a gambling addiction) -- is I guess a broadening of the scope of the question. So we're headed in the right direction; and congratulations !
All right, it's an interesting question. I just think it's misguided at best and self indulgent at worst. My apologies to anyone who is offended by my position and my statements.

Illustrious Member
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08/11/2007 5:03 am  

My apologies to anyone who is...
My apologies to anyone who is offended by my position and my statements.
Not me !!!!!
I think that is what I was trying to hear ... I could give a flip about GAYS ,JEWS and MODERN DESIGN:UNCOMMON SYNERGY as a topic on this forum,
but at the end of this day you are. one of the few who made a response good bad or indifferent,
I think Azure Chicken my self and maybe one or two was looking for positive, negative, or get out town response on this subject.
yours was get out of town.
and that is a o k

vintage damage
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08/11/2007 5:45 am  

That's a coyote dressed like a chicken.
You mean sexual orientation, not Gender identity. Gay dudes had an advantage, in the first half of the century due to their network (if they were fortunate) of people who wouldn't stigmatize them for matching their panties to their carpets. They also have more discretionary time than most breeders.
The success of Jews in recognising and designing great stuff may relate to their cultivated abilities to access both the hive mind and personal eccentricity without going off the deep end. Mostly.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2967
08/11/2007 6:52 am  

the success of Jews in...
the success of Jews in recognizing and designing great stuff may relate to their cultivated abilities to access both the hive mind and personal eccentricity without going off the deep end. Mostly.
vintage damage ..... i think there is something nice here but i am still trying to decipher it ,

vintage damage
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08/11/2007 8:19 am  

I have read a lot about how...
I have read a lot about how it's a part of Jewish culture to celebrate those who listen to their own muse. There are limits of course. From what I see, religions and "ways of life" are mainly like-minded people perpetuating their like-mindedness. I have seen the "individualistic jew" thing referenced in post ww2 Henry Miller, and in other fiction as well as on a radio interview or two. I have met some colorful Jews and assumed this to be true. I think that it's safe to count myself among the majority HERE when I say that I value eccentrics and their contributions to mankind.
The hive mind a.k.a. "group think" is the condition of relinquishing ones self determination to the degree that the whole is greater than the sum of its constituents and the individual is rescued from existential angst which is often tenfold in those who are on their own intelectual path. Again, there are limits. Of course, "Every advantage has its tax" -Ben Franklin. I lived in a commune for a couple of weeks as a kid and am warry of groups that offer to think for me.

Illustrious Member
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08/11/2007 3:37 pm  

Dear Azurechicken
I am sure you are not surprised that I do not participate in this discussion, and I will not. We have beaten the subject to dead or almost a number of years ago...if I remember well you started the discussion at that time to...So, my only objection is your statement:
Amazing how little interest the average DAer has is in this interesting thread(compared to such thread types:should my underpants match my rug)...thanks to the responders for not being average...
I think it is short sighted to see the low participation as a lack of interest. After having discussed it page after page after page, we might just be a little bit exhausted....I love you to.

Illustrious Member
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08/11/2007 4:49 pm  

And besides
Perhaps it would be useful to point out that
George Nelson
Irving Harper
Arne Jacobsen
Henry Dreyfus
were Jewish..........
I don't understand the point of this rather silly thread, in the first place.
For Gosh sakes, everyone knows that Gays and Jewish people in the 20th. Century tended to be liberal and often progressive in their outlooks, so of course, many tended towards Modern Design.
So what's the point?

azurechicken (USA)
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08/11/2007 5:42 pm  

how intelligent people seek to dismiss/kill this thread...

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