Design Addict


G dorhofer 67 wall ...

G dorhofer 67 wall art / sculpture / installation copper on wood  


Noble Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 215
01/10/2010 11:12 am  

I have this wall art made from painted copper / metal on wood, signed 'G . Dorhofer 67', I've tried many times to find info on the artist, asked local museum curators, auction houses etc. locally (south africa) and no one knows! anyone out there able to help? It was originally in the lobby of one of the big businesses here.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 576
01/10/2010 7:25 pm  

Wow-that is so cool!
Looks great next to the chair,too.Try Ask Art,but I think you'd need to register.

Noble Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 215
02/10/2010 9:32 am  

Thanks will give askart a try
thanks! if I have any result I'll post & let you know!

Sound & Design
Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 1445
02/10/2010 1:18 pm  

A simple and overlooked way...
A simple and overlooked way of locating people can be found using a local telephone directory book. Start calling every Dorhofer and politely inquiring. If G. Dorhofer is from the area, there's going to public records...even governmental ones.
BTW... Dorhofer seems to be a German name, and a clue to utilize.
If there's a University nearby, inquire with the Art department faculty. Maybe even the local High Schools (unlikely as this is a very mature work). A etter option to High Schools is the Library. A good Library will have quality staff able to guide you. Good luck.


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