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France & Daverkosen...

France & Daverkosen chair  


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12/02/2007 5:13 pm  

I just purchased this France & Daverkosen chair on eBay (see link), and I am wondering if anyone knows anything about it. The listing mentions Ole Wanscher, but in looking at other pieces Wanscher designed, this doesn't seem to fit. I purchased the chair just because I like the lines, so if it turns out it's a knock-off, no big deal. Thanks!

Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 522
12/02/2007 6:37 pm  

Hello, chaglang.
Hello, chaglang.
I've searched all over and I can't find this chair anywhere. Not even in
But you're right, the design really comes close to Ole Wanscher's arm chair (model #113) designed in 1951 for France & Daverkosen (as mentioned in the auction description too).
However, there are some significant differences in the construction, mainly regarding the areas where your chair can be taken apart. The #113's frame appear to be a solid construction with glued joints all over - and thereby not intented for disassembling.
My theory is that your chair is a later version of Wanscher's #113 intented for export. The feature that it can broken down, would have made it easy and certainly a lot cheaper to ship.
This feature does however limit the design. So Wanscher might have made an extra effort to sort of counterweigh this with the detailed armrests in order to make the chair more attractive (on the #113 they're much more simple).
Furniture intented for export was fx. the main idea behind the succesful Portex (1944) and AX (1947) series designed by Peter Hvidt & Orla Mølgaard Nielsen and produced also by France & Daverkosen (later France & Son).
Anyway, it's just an idea.


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