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Norman Chaney
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Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 85
05/02/2014 8:07 pm  

great idea
fastfwd, that's the most fascinating living room I've seen in while; I think you have all the basic forms, square, cone, rectangle, etc. I love the colors too.

Illustrious Member
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05/02/2014 8:50 pm  

Update from the previous thread
I'm now 39. Current collecting interests include pepper mills and art. Nice to meet you all, old and new members.

Illustrious Member
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05/02/2014 9:16 pm  

Well hello again, Grendel...
Fancy that I like guns as well.
Tell me, do you like jackasses?
If so we should definitely compare artillery...

Illustrious Member
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05/02/2014 10:23 pm  

Riki: Olive expressed the same impulse once, too. And I don't disagree that a rug would really tie the room together. The thing is, I guess I'm still hoping that I'm only here temporarily. If I start to settle in and get comfortable, I might never escape back to Southern California.
Wooden: See? I SAID my taste was simple.
And as long as I'm chatting about my living room... Best compliment ever on the objects in it, nearly all of which were designed 50+ years ago: My eight-year-old niece, visiting last month for the first time, walks in, wanders around, and asks, "Is your furniture from the future?"

Trusted Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 55
05/02/2014 11:01 pm  

I like this idea.
It helps me get to know my fellow addicts. I'm relatively new to DA, but I check it regularly nowadays. I'm a lurker, mostly because I'm at the beginning stages of collecting and I know there are folks who have been at this longer than I've been walking this earth. I really enjoy all the insights I've gotten from this forum and it's just nice to know there are others out there that share my obsession. My boyfriend also appreciates that he no longer has to feign interest in my little hobby. I collect Danish and some of my favorite pieces I own are by Arne Vodder, Hans Wegner, JL Moller and Kai Kristiansen.
I'm Doug, 28, and I live in the midst of the hustle and bustle of Des Moines, IA. I grew up in the burbs of Louisville, KY and moved out here to stake my claim in college and have yet to escape. I work for a youth mentoring non-profit but my educational background is in political science and geography. Outside of my furniture hobby I love to play competitive volleyball and tennis, follow my teams (Hawkeyes/Hoosiers) and ski. I have no real connection to the design world - I'm completely unartistic - but I've always liked pretty things. I started collecting when I moved to Des Moines a couple years ago determined to have my "first adult apartment." Nowadays I have only slightly more money and sell here and there to fuel my furniture and travel addictions.

Famed Member
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Posts: 304
06/02/2014 12:20 am  

My name is Sam, 24, and I live in KC. My dog is cooler than yours. I'm a drafter for an engineering firm. I'm not a big fan of my username. I like the hunt more than the kill. I write really bad limericks from time to time. I collect Paul McCobb. My first two pieces came from helping a family friend. I will never sell those. I usually sell my best finds because I can't afford not to.

Famed Member
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Posts: 353
06/02/2014 5:27 am  

DHutch17, I am also a...
DHutch17, I am also a Kentuckian. I grew up in Paducah in far western Kentucky. I now live in Lexington after residing in Baltimore, MD for several years. I do not get the whole UK/Lousiville rivalry or the hate they have for each other. I was happy that any school from KY won the basketball national championship.

nico leo
Reputable Member
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Posts: 116
06/02/2014 3:47 pm  

started 30 years ago
I started collecting mid-century pieces to fill my first college apartment by going to thrift stores and buying cheap, cool things. Those things turned out to be vintage Eames plywood and fiberglass chairs. Once I discovered my ascetic, I would spend most of my free time going to junk stores and flee markets in Detroit back in the early 1980's and buying anything that had a cool look to it. I filled every inch of my apartment with my treasures. Over time my tastes expanded into vintage jukeboxes and higher end furniture designs. I currently live in a small resort town on Lake Michigan called Saugatuck. We are just a few miles south of Zeeland and I used to come across vintage Herman Miller pieces on a regular basis. Even Herman Miller used to sell vintage shell chairs at their company store for $10. I still love buying and selling stuff and hope to do it for many more years.

Noble Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 268
06/02/2014 6:00 pm  

I'm a Mike, going to be 27,...
I'm a Mike, going to be 27, from MA, and am an architectural designer... My first MCM piece was an Eames aluminum group contractors base coffee table about a year ago (still have it). I have since acquired numerous other Eames stuff from the fiberglass shell chair to the 670/671 lounge. I also have a few Mccobb, Risom, and Nelson pieces but have more recently been getting into Danish furniture. I have met some awesome people buying/selling/trading.
My hobbies are golfing, snowboarding / skiing, wake boarding / water skiing, hiking, and carpentry.
Below is my Archinect profile that shows some of my personal architecture work for those that might be interested (shameless plug)...

Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago
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07/02/2014 4:06 am  

with apologies to Aunt Mark
. I'm spanky (originally Illinois, now an undisclosed location on the east coast, USA)
. older than Aunt Mark but not by a whole lot
. village smartass
. I have several bank accounts
. have flown in planes
. full set of teeth, including wisdom teeth
. horrible piano player but decent French horn player
. technologically semi-proficient
. prefer Japanese and Swedish cars, a good burger, and shoes
. did I mention that I don't like highballs?
. atheist
. somewhat educated, if music school counts
. daily couch potato
. turtle and frog lover
. right-handed but left-eyed
. Chief of Police: Grammar and Punctuation Division

leif ericson - Zephyr Renner
Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 5660
07/02/2014 10:23 am  

All of these nice biographies...
All of these nice biographies!
The bulleted list almost makes me want to talk about myself. Almost.
I speak Spanish, and used to read French, Italian, and Ancient Greek. I should probably teach myself to read Danish. I also like teak and Danish design that uses teak. The more complicated the joinery the better. I like dovetails and tusk tenons and bridle joints and finger joints.

Famed Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 353
11/02/2014 5:35 pm  

leif, why didn't you list...
leif, why didn't you list Viking in your description?! I always thought you were the first Viking to collect MCM. How disappointing 😉

Trusted Member
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Posts: 57
11/02/2014 7:53 pm  

Hello all. my name is Stephen. I work as a designer in Los Angeles Ca. 30 yrs old. Born and raised in southern California. Ive been collecting for about 4 1/2 years now, started when my wife and I bought our first house, thought it was time to upgrade from all the Ikea dorm room furniture i had dragged along with me from living with my roommates. I have been into the design of mid century and danish furniture since collage but never felt i should invest in furniture until i didnt have to worry about a roommate spilling jack and coke on my teak table. now i worry about my kids, how things change. Always looking at flea markets and thrift stores, but tend to come across most of my "finds" on Craigslist. I play a few instruments pretty well. I have been known to go to great lengths to get a piece I want. worked as a professional magician for a while. I guess im a professional hobbyist now. I thoroughly enjoy all the people on this forum. Thanks for you time.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 572
11/02/2014 8:00 pm  

Update from last thread. I'm...
Update from last thread. I'm now 31, still a dealer although mainly in Modern British Art these days, with some MCM furniture too. Main collecting interests are Poul Kjaerholm, Hans Wegner, Arne Jacobsen and Fabricius & Kastholm. Art wise interested in Michael Canney, William Gear, Roy Turner Durrant & Victor Pasmore. Also interested in watches, football (soccer) and cars (Porsche). I live on the South Coast in England.
My house is featured in the March 14 UK edition of House Beautiful. A snap shot below of my living room showing some of my collection.

kate kaplan
Honorable Member
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Posts: 125
14/07/2014 4:34 am  

thank you for this - I've been curious myself. And mvalen, thanks for the link. I'm new here, live in LA. born to be interested in design (parents were). I don't collect, exactly, though I'd be happy to re-furnish my house, but for time, money, and my gentleman companion, who might not like that . . . Age? I think of myself as MCM. Also, I have a cat.

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