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Prominent Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 146
03/02/2014 9:41 am  

I'm relatively new to this forum. So far, I've had a better experience here than in any other online community of which I've been a part. Since I've been here, I've become fascinated by many of the members' furniture/object collections, aesthetic preferences, witty remarks, extensive knowledge, socio-political leanings, and primary document/resource collections. Maybe this has been done before, but just in case it hasn't- I'd like to know more about all of you. While you all may know each other through years spent on this forum, I'd find your participation helpful. I like to have context (no matter how little) when I read posts from various users; and it is this thread with which I hope to gain that context.
So I'll start- real basic stuff:
I'm in my early 20s. I live in Brooklyn, New York. I grew up in Massachusetts. I got a degree in film. It helped me to realize my "addiction to design"- furniture specifically. My affinity for furniture started in childhood, hiding under, and behind it. I can visually (albeit, hazily) recall these early moments of hiding and observing the furnishings in my home. I am especially moved by the work of Juhl, Mogenson, Jalk, Hovmand Olsen, Kurt Østervig, oh I knew I shouldn't have started listing. I'm currently working in a retail shop which focuses on the machine age, danish modern, and american mid-century furniture/lighting. I'm at a juncture where I'm unsure where to take this thirst for knowledge in regards to a career path. Museum work? Refinishing/collecting? More galleries? I'm serious, nonetheless, about my desire to take in as much historical, theoretical, and technical information about modernist furniture as I possibly can. I'm about two years deep into this obsession- and I want to take it in a semi-academic direction (Museum work?). Anyway, that's me- briefly.
As previously mentioned, I want to hear from all of you. Whether just a sentence or two, or a long winded vent- I'll be satisfied. Even some guidance and advice is welcome. But mostly, I want your bios.

Noble Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 200
03/02/2014 3:29 pm  

Here you go...
Here is and old thread...

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 4586
03/02/2014 4:25 pm  

I'm Aunt Mark.
I like mens pants and decent vodka.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 6456
03/02/2014 8:14 pm  

(From the
linked bio thread: " My favorite designers are Baughman, Prouve, Jacobsen, and Juhl."
How could the first of those, a derivative stylist, be placed among original creators ? I continue to be amazed . . .)

Illustrious Member
Joined: 13 years ago
Posts: 1395
03/02/2014 8:58 pm  

I miss
Whitespike and Olive. SDR, you are having a big birthday soon, yes? Or did we miss it?

Noble Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 273
03/02/2014 9:09 pm  


Reputable Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 116
03/02/2014 9:16 pm  

Some info
My thirst started in college. I needed a desk, the desk that I ended up with was a George Nelson for HM with the foil label for a total of $30. I just liked the way it looked. After I researched the information from the label, the rest was history.
I read here daily. The wealth of info and the people in the forum are great.
Here are a couple of reads about me

Noble Member
Joined: 13 years ago
Posts: 243
04/02/2014 4:34 am  

I like guns, cats, teak.
Shocked to find myself using the term late 30s, I've always had a passion for pretty things (form over function) that started with hiding my nice things under bed where roomates couldnt use them. Fast forward, I work in marketing and PR and can often be found eyeballing dumpsters and alleyways (I'm frugal) I have alot of eames as its easy(ish) to find and am starting to get a nice collection of teak. I secretly want to be Mark.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 4586
04/02/2014 5:06 pm  

I secretly want to be Eva Gabor.
That's a fierce looking semi automatic weapon strapped to your shoulder! You look like an American movie star.
Your Aunt Mark
ps what a sweet looking kitty.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 6456
04/02/2014 11:32 pm  

Thanks, Riki.
I was 71 in November. I guess the next "big one" will be 75 ? I tend to look the other way, these days -- never was one for big celebrations.
I like Mark's pants. I also like Fred Astaire's wonderful take on casual men's attire; by 1940 he was wearing suede or saddle shoes, flannel trousers, necktie as belt, etc. After the war came bright solid-color socks, sweater tied around the neck, more tie belting. Born 1899.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 1879
05/02/2014 2:18 am  

Hi,I'm Nestor and this is...
I'm Nestor and this is my biography video

Famed Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 353
05/02/2014 8:32 am  

I am Shannon and I mainly...
I am Shannon and I mainly lurk here. I post occasionally though. I am 38 but still look like I am in my 20s just as I looked like I was 15 when I was actually a 5th year college senior LOL. I work as an analytical chemist for a pharmaceutical company. I have to wear extra-small gloves at work and even they are a tad too big. I tried to learn the guitar but it didn't work out because my hands were too small to finger the chords on my dad's guitar, and I didn't want to spend money on a smaller guitar when I could use the money to buy furniture or clothes/purses/shoes. I can still play the clarinet from my high school band days though. In addition to small hands, I also have small feet, wrists, and ankles. I also like cats and have two named Benson and Maeby. The thing I hate most in the world is Coca-Cola...bleh! Coffee, tea, and beer run not far behind Coke though.
Anyhoo, I got started into MCM because I loved my grandma's furniture growing up. When she passed on, I was able to claim a couple pieces and that started my MCM collecting.
I also wish I had Mark's fashion sense and a shoe collection the size of his.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 1721
05/02/2014 11:04 am  

I miss dcwilson and koen.
And Olive. Anyone keep in touch with her?
I'm 47, male, and live in San Jose, California ("The Capital of Silicon Valley"), which is maybe the most unpleasant big city in the whole country. And I'm not just saying that because I moved here after 20 years in San Diego -- I've also been to Bakersfield and to Odessa, Texas, so I can recognize a wretched hellhole when I see one.
Anyway, I was always into automotive and industrial design, but I got interested in furniture 20 years ago thanks to my artist first wife, who had a highly-developed modernist aesthetic and an Aluminum Group lounge chair that just fascinated me.
My taste is simple: I like steel, aluminum, and stone. Bright primary colors, black, white. I barely tolerate wood, and then only if it doesn't look like wood, or if it looks machine-made. I have no imagination, so there's nothing in my house that you haven't already seen a thousand times in books or magazines.
I love all the foods and beverages that Shannon hates.
(I think I've posted this snapshot before, but whatever.)

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 4586
05/02/2014 4:51 pm  

Time for the bullets.
. I'm your Aunt Mark ( Florida, Illinois, and Iowa, USA)
. Early 50's
. Village idiot
. Retired Investment Banker
. Sartorial "Princess of Excess" mess
. Private pilot
. Full set of teeth
. Decent piano player
. Technology challenged
. Same lovely partner for 20 years
. Prefer German cars, French food, and Italian shoes
. Did I mention that I like high balls?
. Atheist
. Somewhat educated
. Daily jogger
. Cat lover
. Left handed
. Serial editor
Be my friend,
Aunt Mark

Illustrious Member
Joined: 13 years ago
Posts: 1395
05/02/2014 5:06 pm  

I am really wanting to go in that room and add an area rug. Nothing flashy, just a little something.

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