Design Addict


For tynellbuyer and...

For tynellbuyer and scoobydubious...  


Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2358
12/07/2009 2:05 am  

See Spot.

See Spot fetch.

Spot, fetch the part for the Thrift store bargain.

Fetch, Spot, fetch.

Jump, Spot, jump.

Jump up on tynellbuyer's Nelson.

Crap, Spot, crap.

Crap on tynellbuyer's Nelson.

It is but a name and a buck to him.

Piss, Spot, piss.

Piss on scoobydubious' Wegner.

It is but a name and a buck to him.

Bark, Spot, bark.

Shit, Spot, shit.

It is what they understand.

(Note: oh, this retro-glib is such fun. And so 2009. And tynellbuyer and scoobydubious are so easy to play it with.)


Trusted Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 57
13/07/2009 4:30 am  

"whatevs" as the kids say....
Well, i hope you've impressed yourself with that,
because I'm sure no one else gave a damn.
Now put down the lotion and step away from the computer.

Patrick - desig...
Noble Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 201
13/07/2009 7:01 pm  

Could you please avoid...
Could you please avoid personal attacks (this remark is valid for everybody)?
This forum is open to different people and answers different expectations. Some people read it for fun and some read it to get knowledge. Some are interested by the purely esthetical aspect of the objects and others by the historical, cultural or market value etc.
There are threads that meet the aspirations of each of you. So if a thread doesn't interest you, don't read it, there is no need to be unpleasant with the contributors.
As far as I am concerned, the threads that interest me the most are precisely the ones that develop a substantial reflection on our relation to objects and also the threads that try to define the role of the designer in our changing societies. These reflections are ESSENTIAL today if one wants to put a stop to the major economic and environmental crisis that are at our door and it is certain that there are no simple answers to questions like these. Therefore, I think that each way of approaching these problems must be used (philosophical, semeiological, sociologic...). If DA's forum can be a support where people express complex and subtle thoughts we should but only be happy about this, it is one of the main reasons that have led us to create this website and fight since 11 years to keep it alive.
Personnally, I read with much interest DCWilson's contributions even if my very imperfect knowledge of English does not always allow me to follow all the development of his ideas.
Are they sometimes boring threads on the forum? Yes, of course. For me, it's the threads on knock offs that are really boring.
We are, Alix and I, the only ones to "have to" read all the messages of each threads. You, you have the possibilty to choose the ones that interest you, so take advantage of it and enjoy the pleasure of being part of an open virtual community composed of individualities that are brilliant, various and complementary.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2358
13/07/2009 10:50 pm  

Yes, yes, I stepped completely out of bounds, Patrick...
My apologies to you and all.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 1208
14/07/2009 10:47 am  

Quite enjoyed the original post myself...
Regurgitate, Spot, regurgitate.


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