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Fitness games - Wii...

Fitness games - Wii Fit is just beginning.  

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Jyri Snellman (FIN)
Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 412
08/01/2011 7:36 pm  

Am I design flaw of The Nature?
Women only Fitness Spa is one of sponsors of the Kerava Design, which symbol is found on many design shop doors in my hometown.
I am straight but shy Asperger anti-superman, so maybe I should respect Earth's evolution and never breed?

Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 2534
09/01/2011 4:56 am  

I wouldn't worry about breeding Jyri, do you want children? If not forget about it and enjoy yourself.
You can keep fit easily at home, a gym membership or electronic device is not required. A bench press and squats rack is really cheap or you can make your own up with some structural timbers, bolts and just buy the bar and weights, everything else can be done using your own body weight, pull ups, push ups etc.
I walk a lot, often with a full backpack, an Israeli study showed postmen who walk are very very fit, if you run stairs or do a few hill sprints a week you'll be amazed at the difference to your confidence and energy . Help yourself by not buying any junk food at all and cut out refined sugar. Its really easy + cheap and makes you realise 'convenience' food is a huge lie, grilled fish or game and salad is about as fast and good as food can get. I pretty much only buy whole food these days, things like making a big container of muesli once a week is really cheap and easy. My resting pulse rate is down to 56 bpm and I've only recently made the effort.
Sorry I sound like a preachy do gooder don't I? But the more do stuff like this the more I realise we're marketed at relentlesly and conned into parting with so much of our own time and money. Wii fit is bullshit, pick up a skipping rope.

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11/05/2013 6:39 pm  

change site address
Hi, is changed to Please change it

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