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Films of Charles & ...

Films of Charles & Ray Eames  


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15/07/2007 6:05 pm  

Has anyone seen this movie? What is it about?

Noble Member
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15/07/2007 9:44 pm  

See Amazon
That's the box set collection. Has a bnch of files, not just one. Read reviews at Amazon:

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
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15/07/2007 9:47 pm  

Charles and Ray Eames made...
Charles and Ray Eames made more than 75 films during the 1950-70's, some of them were educational, some commercials for their own products and some were just short films about toys and other things and some of them were also purely experimental stuff. The box in the picture contains a selection of some of the films, the most famous of them being the brilliant 'Powers of Ten':
"Powers of Ten" (1968, 9 min.) Starts at a picnic by the lakeside in Chicago and transports us to the outer edges of the universe. Every ten seconds we view the starting point from ten times farther out, until our own galaxy is visible only as a speck of light among many others. Returning to earth with breathtaking speed, we move inward--into the hand of the sleeping picnicker - with ten times more magnification every ten seconds. Our journey ends inside a proton of a carbon atom within a DNA molecule in a white blood cell.

Illustrious Member
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16/07/2007 3:53 am  

Charles and Ray
I know very little of the films of Charles and Ray
. I could write a Phd
thesis on the furniture of Charles and Ray Eames cause I feel i am a expert on there furniture ( there i said it a expert) but no nothing on there films 1) were they any good
2) were they good filmmakers 3)were they good at cinematography 4) I know they had friends in the industry. Billy Wilder considered one of the finest directors ever.5) Were any of there films ever considered a commercial success or was this just a hobby of the Eames in later life.
answer these questions and i will get started with my Phd in advanced Eames sociology and culture of the mid-century .

Illustrious Member
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16/07/2007 3:59 am  

power of 10 sounds like Tim Leary and Stanly Kubrick meet each other , hate to ask about the beloved Eames but any reported experimentation with the likes of Timothy Leary? I was told that Eames was very Zen like in his thinking and even reflected it in his 670 chair with the tilt to the stars
on that chair.
waiting for confirmation on this one .

Illustrious Member
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Posts: 439
16/07/2007 6:10 am  

I've got no clue if they ever had a connection to Dr Leary, but I doubt it. The Eames' seems to belong to another earlier era even though they were all active around the same time.
The Eames' films were mostly short and pretty playful takes on scientific discoveries or sometimes, as in the case of 'Toccata for Toy Trains, ' and 'Tops' they were actually staging little plays with toys borrowed from museums. Some are narrated, but most are more like collages. I think of the films, as some kind of archive of images of the things that inspired them. For example 'House: After Five Years of Living', does show the interior and exterior of the Eames Case Study House, but also images of food and flowers. Details and excerpts rather than narrative...
I really recommend checking them out!


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