I am planning an exhibition to open in late winter 07(Chicago) that would feature five-seven outdoor plots. The plots would would represent landscape designs typically crated in the mid-20th century. The goal is to display a simplicity of design, materials and allow all visitors to experience the life cycle of a modern landscape. Ideas comments welcomed.
i am
i am not quite sure what you are meaning; but is a thing like Ron Arads 'evergreen' something you want?
feedback revisited
I am attempting to gauge the interest in mid-20th century "fans" of experiencing the landscape portion of that era's design continuum. In housing or furniture design terms, would you be interested in experiencing the process of how Mies designed a building or how Ray and Charles went about designing and building a piece of furniture, exhibition or film? If so, I would like to have it executed in the landscape of the mid 20th century.
If you need any help, please contact us at – info@designaddict.com