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Noble Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 282
05/04/2011 8:57 am  

Thought we could start a thread to share some cool fans. I picked this fella up at an estate sale over the weekend. Fresh'nd Aire model 26. It's HUGE! The grill measure 28". Fully compressed, the fan stands at 6"! It's got a porcelain enamel base. Just super sharp. Got it for $140, so I was happy with that. I already have a Vornado pedestal fan, so I don't REALLY need it (as my girlfriend likes to remind me), but it's a pretty sweet piece, and I couldn't leave it there!

Famed Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 393
05/04/2011 9:28 am  

I no longer want the Dyson Air Multiplier--
kitten Julius and I will be enjoying the rubber-bladed Sampson Safeflex.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 4376
05/04/2011 9:36 am  

I bought this one at an...
I bought this one at an estate auction many years ago for $2. It was covered with grease and dust and the power cord was very frayed, but it did work! I eventually cleaned it up and replaced the cord and ended up using it a fair amount. It was wonderfully heavy and ran very quiet and moved a LOT of air.
I ended up selling it, though. You can see that it's not exactly safe to have around young kids. Or some adults, for that matter. I put my own hand through the back while it was running! I thought I was being careful, but I wasn't. The openings in the back of the grille are actually big enough to put the top of your head through! I have a little grandson now and I just couldn't stand the thought of it maybe being left plugged in while he was around. Eek. So I sold it.
DAMN, that was a good fan, though. (No central A/C in this house.)


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