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Evans red CTW  


Joshua F (USA)
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21/11/2012 8:51 pm  

Quick question. Does anyone know which came first, the construction with the polygon spacer with the label on it , or this version which has the label on the legs directly?
I would assume the octagon version was more expensive to make so it would be earlier but was curious on the variations timeline.
I just picked up this CTW and it has some really beautiful deep color.

thanks in advance as always and sorry for the terrible phone pic.

Illustrious Member
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22/11/2012 8:42 am  

I find it hard
to believe that the screw slots were aligned intentionally -- and equally difficult to imagine that it happened by accident !
If the four screws are all set to the same depth, then I have to believe that the slot alignment is a coincidence, or that the screws are identical and some driven craftsman/employee started each screw in an identical orientation to its leg. In either case, you have a table blessed by the Gods of Fine Modernism -- or something . . .
tktoo ?

Noble Member
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22/11/2012 7:24 pm  

I find it entirely plausible that the craftsperson aligned them intentionally...whether from unbridled enthusiasm, unmanaged OCD, a way to "sign" their work, or just an endearing woodsmen are complicated artistes' no?

Illustrious Member
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22/11/2012 8:32 pm  

Totally plausible that a craftsmen or cabinet maker should align the screws - remember some of these guys learnt their trade in the pre war years where little touches like that were absolutely de rigeur. If I ever see an old piece of furniture with aligned screws I think 'quality'.

Illustrious Member
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22/11/2012 9:41 pm  

But wood screws have relatively coarse threads, normally -- so that extra quarter-turn can sink (or back off) the depth of the screw in a way that introduces another variable -- even a too-loose connection ? In other words, the perfection of the aligned slot is accompanied by another kind of imperfection.
While I am a precisionist in most aspects of my work, I never cared enough (til now) to consider that, if I wanted aligned slots, I could train myself to start each of a set of screws with the slot aligned in an identical way -- which ought to result in a set of aligned screws all of which would be equally tight to the material.
Then again, I have used Phillips-head screws 98% of the time -- and I have only occasionally taken the trouble to align those !
I imagine we've exhausted that subject . . . ?

Illustrious Member
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22/11/2012 11:30 pm  


Joshua F (USA)
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23/11/2012 5:39 pm  

I LOVE what the thread has...
I LOVE what the thread has turned into. I will admit I did not even register with the alignment at first ( hangs head in shame as I have OCD for the most part)
Happy to take pics of the table once all is set up. I am still curious which version came first, the one with the extra wood spacer in the middle or this one... again my gut says the former. Placing the label over the intersection always seemed like an odd choice to me.

Illustrious Member
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23/11/2012 8:21 pm  

I suppose it was another attempt at total symmetry ? Today it would be done differently.
I'd like to see a pic of the other style -- the one with an extra piece of wood at the center.

Illustrious Member
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25/11/2012 2:09 am  

Me too Mark...
I too will admit to lining up outlet cover screws.
What is really tough though, is whether to make them go vertical or horizontal. Usually I go for vertical. But then you do also risk cracking the wall plate to get it just right. Or worse, have to choose between snugness and visual perfection.
I built a deck once, and... aw forget it.

Illustrious Member
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25/11/2012 4:18 am  

Here's a small deck
I recently completed. It's peppered with slightly-sunk Phillips-head screws. Funny how you don't notice them in these photos . . .
(Sorry for the oversized pics)

Illustrious Member
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25/11/2012 5:52 pm  

Very nicely done,

Illustrious Member
Joined: 13 years ago
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25/11/2012 6:42 pm  

I agree
Very nice job SDR.
Completely invisible screws have to be the only thing better than perfectly aligned "OCD" screws.

Illustrious Member
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25/11/2012 7:46 pm  

Probably the best story I've heard
regarding obsessive slot alignment is the one about Howard Hughes' final inspection of his H-1 racer before his record-setting flight and how he demanded that every skin panel screw slot be oriented for optimum aerodynamic performance.
He'd have a fit if he could see them like this:

Famed Member
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25/11/2012 9:49 pm  

Cool deck SDR. Is the back...
Cool deck SDR. Is the back going to remain exposed like that?

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 6456
26/11/2012 4:30 am  

Yes, Foxy --
It's done. I like being able to see the bones of an object. My favorite houses when young were the ones just framed and not yet sheathed -- until I saw my first modern house, that is !
The light-colored plywood panels on the "back" slide up for inspection of the dead space beneath. The building owner was concerned about raccoons, etc -- though I left no gaps where critters could enter. Perhaps my friends the tenants will find other uses for the spaces beneath . . .


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