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Emily Spam?  


Modern Love
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03/07/2006 10:05 am  

Has anyone here who placed a "for sale" ad in the ads section received emails from an "Emily Stone"? If you have, do these not seem unusual? I had something for sale recently and received a strangely worded email from her, saying she urgently needed to buy it and she needed my phone number and address right away so her "business associate" would cut me a check. I replied asking for shipping info, because she never provided any, and I got an error autoresponse saying the email address doesn't exist.

Seemed really weird.

builder (AUS)
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03/07/2006 12:32 pm  

i got it too. .. it s a spam!
i got it too. .. it s a spam!

Noble Member
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03/07/2006 2:09 pm  

you mean SCAM........
don't confuse spam with a SCAM......
it smell like fish, don't it?

Modern Love
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03/07/2006 9:44 pm  

Emily SCAM
Does anyone know how this scam works? This sucks because in the future I may be hesitant to respond to a legitimate inquiry, defeating the purpose of placing an ad.
BTW it was a table I had posted, but it was never actually referred to as a "table" in any of her emails:
On Jun 28, 2006, at 2:14 PM, emily stone wrote:
Goodday! Hope you are doing great? I'm Emilly Stone. I'm
interested in your item which you placed on advert for sale and will
like to know the following about the item:
LEAST PRICE............................
PRESENT CONDITION......................
As soon as i get these then we can proceed on transacting
business and I need your urgent responce concerning the sale of the
Regards and waiting to read from you soon.
Thanks for the responce and the details you have provided concerning the condition of the item which truely explain the present state. I want you to know that i'm okay with the price and condition of the item and i already discussed this with my business associate as i will be leaving on a business trip. I want to assure you that everything is under control cause my business associate will be the one to handle every necessary arrangement and payment which i already discussed with him to do on my behalf to avoid any form of delay as am ready to buy this item from you and wouldn't want to loose it, hope i can lay my trust on you by taking it off advert. I will be glad if you can do just that for me. Also,i want you to know that my method of payment will be by sending you a Cashiers Cheque or Money Order down to your location which you are going to bank and allow it to fully clear into you account and thereafter we can proceed on how it's going to be picked which i guess should coincide with the period i'll be coming back as i will not be staying long. I want to know if i can fully depend on you selling the item to me and will like us to show honesty, trustworthiness and transparency in order to be able to finalize this transaction and hope to do business again with eachother.
For the procurement of payment, the following details will be needed: FULLNAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER. As soon as i recieve this, necessary arrangement will be made and payment will be send out to you immidiately.
Regards and waiting to read from you as soon as possible.
-She never actually said the word "table", and that she was in such a rush. No shipping info either. Anyone that wants my name, address and phone number can find it in the phone book.

Illustrious Member
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04/07/2006 4:48 am  

I have had problems with scams after advertising on this site. Mine was from Nigeria and the bank tracked the person down and found the check to be fraudulent.

Illustrious Member
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04/07/2006 4:51 am  

the way this person was...
the way this person was going to screw me was that they wanted to send twice as much money to me, claiming that the shipping was expensive to where they live. they then asked for my 'trust' for me to send the remaining money to their shipper (why couldnt they just send it?). what would happen is i would send the money to theur shipper (aka-them) and then the check would bounce. I would then have lost the shipping money i sent and would have owed the bank the amount i sent. IN my case I would have lost 9,000 USD is i had not caught it!

Modern Love
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04/07/2006 11:18 am  

Thanks whitespike. Your story is quite disquieting to say the least, and thinking about it, I probably would have fallen for it and been suckered. It is a clever scam. You caught on to it in time, but maybe others were not so lucky. I hope as many people as possible read this thread, and maybe others with similar experiences will share their stories and advice.

Illustrious Member
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05/07/2006 7:36 am  

a common scam
This scam happens a lot on Craigslist - anywhere there is potential for large monetary purchases. I'm attaching a link to Craigslist's warning... everyone should read this!! I've been targeted twice. There are also a number of Eames 670 (loungers) on Ebay that use a similar scam. BUYERS BEWARE!

Miss B
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27/09/2006 12:19 am  

Sorry I did not see this warning sooner.
Here it is late September and I was just about to complete a transaction.
I was going to wait for the check to clear first. The language described was almost exactly the same but the name was different. It took place over
a period of about two months. He did keep asking for my name and address and phone number which I sent. So happy that I found these forum posts!
The amount in question was $11,500 and I was to send a check via Western Union in the amount of $2900.

Illustrious Member
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27/09/2006 2:49 am  

Me too!!
I had an email from a Mrs Adele Pongi recently. name intrigued me!!, she said she was selling a Ron Arad Oh Void chair as she had to pay her gas bill?? and she even gave me her address, i knew it was a scam/spam obviously but i thought i would have a laugh, so i replied and said my friend lived up the road from her and would call to see it,never heard again(big surprise). Play em at their own game its a laugh!!

Modern Love
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08/01/2008 5:39 am  

more of the same..
Just got this email, it's a scam attempt, thought all posters here should be aware of it......
Goodday seller,
I'm Sherry.I would like to know if you still have your item posted for sale available.posted on (
how much are u willing to sale it off? what condition it's..? where do u locate and why do u want to sell it off?
I hope to hear from you back todays,Happy new year.Thanks
Have a wonderful day.
U can aswell reply to my private Email address;

kdc (USA)
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08/01/2008 10:00 pm  

slow down -- danger ahead
i think a healthy dose of skepticism is in order, especially when there's potential for exploitation. as the saying goes, "just because i'm paranoid doesn't mean someone's not out to get me."
for me personally, i won't trust ANYONE i don't know because trust is a valuable resource reserved for those who earn it, not given freely to those who simply ask for it [or who use manipulation techniques in attempt to pry it loose].
"show me the money" is not a bad rule -- it's just good business. way too many kindhearted, well-intentioned people get suckered into all kinds of nonsense because they haven't thought through all of the possible hazards.
most of us had parents who taught us not to accept candy from strangers. it's likely we asked them "why not?". the simple reply was normally one involving matters of danger and trust. perhaps we've forgotten some of the most simple but profound lessons of life.

Robert Leach
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09/01/2008 12:38 am  

As cynical old me always says:
If it looks too good to be true
It most likely is


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