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Eileen Gray: The Pr...

Eileen Gray: The Price of Desire  

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Noble Member
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17/06/2013 7:24 pm  

Thought you might be interested in a new feature film being made about enigmatic designer Eileen Gray. In a design world dominated by men, Gray forged her own unique path and her designs were as original and uncompromising as Gray herself. You can also donate money to assist with the conservation of Gray's iconic VILLA E1027, or be an extra in the documentary movie.
Find out more at the link below.

Eminent Member
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21/06/2013 1:32 am  

the haunted villa
Although no one doubts that Eileen Gray designed
the Villa and its furnishings, Badovici was its owner. Since Eileen Gay was a designer but not an architect. Badovici being a professional architect could not avoid making highly significant contributions to the villa. The close friendship that existed between Gray and Badovici was one of mutual respect. He asked her to design this villa for him and also the interior of his Paris apartment . However, the famous Transaat armchair now attributed solely to Gray was patented in both his name as well as hers. Since Gray made no secret of being lesbian, it's absurd to put Gray "in the closet" by suggesting that Badovici had been her lover. When Badovici died in 1956 the Villa was inherited by his niece,a Romanian nun who put it on sale.Since Corbu preferred quiet Swiss rather than loud Americans as new neighbors, he asked Heidi Weber,a Swiss businesswoman to find a suitable buyer.This discussion btween Corbu and Weber led also to an agreement to create of a joint venture in which Corbu intrusted mrs. Weber with the production of his furniture and the sale of his art works. The Villa and its furnishings were sold to a Swiss doctor. In the early 1990's I noticed that the Villa was again on sale and I asked my lawyer to inquire as to the possibility of restoring it in return for periodic use, while also leaving it open to the public. The government of Cap Martin found the proposal interesting. To my astonishment, I was informed that the heirs of Swiss owner refused to have anything whatsoever to do with the building which within a few months would become city property. I visited the villa with a friend It had been abandoned and at onepoint occupied by squatters who painted a terrifying figure on one of the walls. The happy sun-filled villa imagined had been transformed into a nightmare. On leaving, we heard the real story from the next door neighbors that the Swiss owner had been brutally murdered, literally cut to pieces in the living room by two gardeners who had been arrested. Heidi Weber says that Corbu admired the furniture of Gray but disapproved of the layout of the Villa which which he attributed to Badovici rather than Gray

Illustrious Member
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21/06/2013 2:25 am  

Very interesting, Nilo
I appreciate your contributions to this forum.

Illustrious Member
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21/06/2013 2:39 am  

fascinating and a great contribution Nilo

Illustrious Member
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21/06/2013 2:48 am  

good read

Noble Member
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21/06/2013 3:32 am  


Active Member
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21/06/2013 4:05 am  

Hi onno why did you delete...
Hi onno why did you delete your post?

Noble Member
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21/06/2013 4:08 am  

Ach scheiß drauf, I'm not in the mood for a stupid discussion with people who are believing in every nonsense, it's not the worth.

Illustrious Member
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21/06/2013 4:28 am  

I respect your thoughts as well. I would have liked to see an interesting discussion arise from this. I think we are all here to learn something and be informed.

Noble Member
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21/06/2013 4:44 am  

Getting back to Eileen Gray
As I was saying, there is a film being made about Gray and her significant contribution to the world of design. If you wanna get your mug on the screen, you can also donate money and be an extra in the Eileen Gray documentary.
A chair designed by Gray sold for 22 million euro, so it's hard to ignore her iimportance as a designer, as well as her legacy. It's also refreshing to acknowledge that women were also very active during the early 20th century in the male dominated fields of design and architecture.

Eminent Member
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21/06/2013 7:07 am  

glad to hear that you collect posters.
I would be grateful if you could tell me where I could get a copy of this poster. I am well aware that I do not know everything and I am always searching for new sources of information. Who published this wonderful poster? I would like to know the person who put it together and who supplied the information.
I am sure that you understand that bits and pieces of information are not enough. To begin with,it takes a bit of sensitivity and a good amount of common sense to recognize the difference between truly significant information and mere trivia. Unfortunately, most people don't seem to have developed that ability. Moreover, a reasonably correct analysis of information whether it be significant or just mere trevia not only requires a well developed critical sense but also a consistent point of view in order to fit everything together into a meaningful whole.

Illustrious Member
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21/06/2013 7:12 am  

garbage in garbage out

Eminent Member
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21/06/2013 7:24 am  

Dear Aunt Mark
I am sorry that I misinterpreted your poster. I thought that you were referring to a printed Poster when instead you were me as one who posted. unfortunately, at a certain hour of the day, confusion ften takes over. I am living in a Spanish speaking country but at home I speak Italian while at the same time I read and write English.

Eminent Member
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22/06/2013 2:16 am  

I hope that you do not...
I hope that you do not really believe that it was the sale of the Fauteuil aux Dragons for 22 million euros that established Eileen Gray's reputation as a designer who could no longer be ignored. Is it only the bottom line that counts? Is it the price paid for an object that ultimately determines its intrinsic value? This is an argument that you should drop. It is a pernicious attitude that should be taken out of circulation. Unfortunately ,it seems to have infected many of those who interact on this site.
You cannot simply ignore the fact that this chair would never have been sold at this price if it hadn't been used in the living room of the apartment of Yves Saint Laurent and Pierre Bergé and sold at a widely publicized auction as part of their personal collection of art and design.Apparently everything was sold at exaggerated prices.
As extraordinary as her early works may have been, they were splendid examples of a decorative approach to furniture design which she later completely outgrew and discarded. Eileen Gray was a unique example of a gifted and imaginative decorative arts designer who was able to succesfully transform herself into a creator of uncompromisingly modern furniture.
You should check your facts more carefully before making a film.

Illustrious Member
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22/06/2013 3:03 am  

interesting thread
Onno I have no idea what your comment was but if it is part of the discussion then please join back in and make your point. I know nothing on the subject but would be interested in reading more from enlightened sources.

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